Graphics Repositories - mchpgfx/ GitHub Wiki

Repository Structures

The MGS Harmony is separated into two types: Library repositories and Application repositories.

The library repositories contain graphics library middleware code, graphics driver code, touch controller driver code, and tools. A library repository is needed for code generation.

The application repositories contain MGS Harmony graphics demo applications projects. These projects can run out-of-the-box using MPLABX. They are generated to a specific version of the library repository on release.

Repository List

Library Repositories

Repository Description
gfx This repository contains the latest MGS Harmony library code and tools. It is updated regularly. It does not contain any applications. It has a reference page to graphics repositories compatible with MGS Harmony.
gfx_aria This repository contains code and tools for the obsoleted Aria Graphics library, as well as Aria graphics demo applications. This repository should not be co-located with the gfx repo. This is published for archival purposes. It should only be used in place of gfx.

Application Repositories

Repository Product family
gfx_apps_sam_9x75 Graphics Application examples for SAM9X7 family
gfx_apps_sam_d5x_e5x Graphics Application examples for SAM D5x/E5x family
gfx_apps_pic32mz_da Graphics Application examples for: PIC32MZ Graphics (DA) Family PIC32MZ Graphics (DAK/DAL/DAR/DAS) Family
gfx_apps_pic32cz_ca Graphics Application examples for PIC32CZ CA Family
gfx_apps_pic32cm_le_ls Graphics Application examples for PIC32CM LE/LS Family
gfx_apps_pic32mz_ef Graphics Application examples for PIC32MZ Embedded Connectivity with Floating Point Unit (EF) Family
gfx_apps_sam_9x60 Graphics and Image Sensor Application examples for SAM9X60 family
gfx_apps_sam_a5d2 Graphics and Image Sensor Application examples for SAMA5D2 family
gfx_apps_sam_c20_c21 Graphics Application examples for SAM C20/C21 Family
gfx_apps_sam_e70_s70_v70_v71 Graphics Application examples for SAM E70/S70/V70/V71 Family
gfx_apps_sam_l22 Segmented LCD Application examples for SAM L22 Family
gfx_apps Obsolete Graphics Application repository with Aria and Legato applications

Methods to Download

The Harmony graphics repositories can be downloaded directly from their respective GitHub repositories, GUI-based GitHub tools such as SourceTree/GitHub Desktop, or using the Content Manager in the MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC).

Download repositories using MPLAB® Code Configurator

The MCC comes pre-installed with MPLABX. Please refer to the MCC Content Manager Reference on steps on using MCC.