Feature Applications - mchpgfx/legato.docs GitHub Wiki

Microchip Technology Feature Applications

Feature applications lets you get started with MPLAB® Harmony Graphics Suite features in about 30 seconds. These applications should give you a ready-made starting point for writing your own UI application with MPLAB® Harmony Graphics Suite.

These applications were created using Microchip supported development boards.

To find a detailed description of these applications, see Aria Applications and Legato Applications.

Follow the steps below, to run a feature application.

Step 1: Get a feature app

  1. Clone the Harmony v3 GFX repository.

git clone https://github.com/Microchip-MPLAB-Harmony/gfx_apps.git

Step 2: Import the feature app

  1. Open the MPLAB® X IDE and select File->Open Project

Microchip Technology

  1. Navigate to the apps/aria_<_feature_>/firmware and select one of the MPLAB® X feature projects. Then click Open Project button.
  2. Under Projects Right-click project name, select Set as Main Project.

Step 3: Launch MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC)

  1. After the project opens, start the MPLAB® Harmony Configurator. In the MPLAB® X IDE, select Tools->Embedded->MPLAB® Harmony Configurator.
  2. Select the path to the folder containing the MPLAB® Harmony framework and click Launch.
  3. The Configuration Database Setup window opens. Select [] gfx, then click Launch.
  4. After MHC is loaded, observe the Project Graph.

Step 4. Generate Source Code

  1. When done, before generating code, click the Save icon as shown below.

Microchip Technology

  1. Save the configuration in its default location when prompted.

  2. Click on the Code Generate button as shown below to start generating code.

Microchip Technology

  1. Click on the Generate button in the Generate Project window, keeping the default settings as shown below. If prompted for saving the configuration, click Save.

Microchip Technology

MHC will include all the MPLAB® Harmony library files and generate the code based on the MHC selections. The generated code would add files and folders to your Harmony project.

Step 5. Program Device

  1. Clean and build your application by clicking on the Clean and Build button as shown below.

Microchip Technology

  1. Program your application to the device, by clicking on the Make and Program button as shown below.

Microchip Technology

Next Steps

If you are new to MPLAB® Harmony, you should probably start with these tutorials:

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