Create New Quickstart IAR Project - mchpgfx/ GitHub Wiki

Microchip Technology Create New Quickstart IAR Project

Create a new Quickstart IAR Project. You’ll start by launching the standalone version of MHC, create a new Harmony3 project, set IAR as the IDE, launch Composer, build and program your project.

Launch Stanalone MHC

MHC project can be loaded in stand-alone mode.

Launch MHC. Go to MHC folder directory (/<Harmonypath>/mhc/) and double click the runmhc.bat file.

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Under File menu, click New Configuration.

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Set Project Configuration options as illustrated:

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When the Configuration Database Setup dialog is displayed, select Launch

Set Compiler Option

MHC can be configured to use one of three compiler options. For this project, we will use IAR. Under Configuration Options, set Compiler to IAR.

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Create a E70 based application

Load SAM E70 BSP into the workspace. Under Available Components, expand Board Support Packages (BSPs). Double-click SAM E70 Explained Ultra BSP.

Load SAM E70 Graphics Template for 4.3 display into workspace. Under Available Components, expand Graphics/Templates double-click MGS Harmony w/ PDA TM4301b Display.

When Confirm Component Auto-Activation? dialog is displayed, select Yes.

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When Confirm Component Auto-Activation? dialog is displayed for FreeRTOS, select No.

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When Confirm Attachment Auto-Connect? dialog is displayed for maxtouch, select Yes.

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When Confirm Component Deactivation? dialog is displayed , select Yes.

When Confirm Component Auto-Activation? dialog is displayed for SCM LCC, TWIHS, I2C, and TIME select Yes.

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When Confirm Attachment Auto-Connect? dialog is displayed for SCM LCC TMR and I2C, select Yes.

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When Confirm Attachment Auto-Connect? dialog is displayed for LCC TMR, select Yes.

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Create a simply pre-configured graphics design

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Design your UI - For a walkthrough with Legato composer that teaches some development fundamentals, check out tutorial How to create a New Project. Besure to select start with basic template and set your resolution to 480x272 instead of the default.

Generate Harmony3 code and IAR project files

Click the generate button icon

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Microchip Technology

Save configuration and generaton project. MHC will generate all required projects files including a skeleton application code. These files are located in the project.

MHC will create the IAR project directory legato_qs_e70_xu_tm4301b.IAR and create all Harmony3 project files. The follwing files are created:

  • legato_quickstart_e70_xult_wqvga.ewp
  • legato_quickstart_e70_xult_wqvga.eww - IAR project file
  • legato_quickstart_e70_xult_wqvga.h3state

For more information on IAR file extensions see IAR file types.

Launch Workbench

Launch IAR EW for arm.

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Load Quickstart into Workspace

Load the quickstart workspace. You have the option of loading any IAR workspace. In this example we will load legato_qs_e70_xu_tm4301b.IAR.

Under File menu, click Open Workspace.

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In the file dialog, select the .eww file. In our example, we will use: legato_qs_e70_xu_tm4301b.IAR.

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Build Quickstart

Build the quickstart workspace.

Under Project menu, select Rebuild All.

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Program Quickstart

Build the quickstart workspace. You will have to ensure the debugger drvier is set for your target.

Under Project menu, select Options. Under Categories, select Debugger. Set Driver option to CMSIS_DAP. Select Ok.

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Under Project menu, select Download and Debug.

Microchip Technology


In this guide, you learned to create a new IAR Harmony3 project. The steps were to launch the standalone version of MHC, create a configuration, and load a preexisting UI design. Then launch IAR Workbench for ARM, load the new quickstart application, build and program the project onto your development board.

Next Step

If you are new to MPLAB® Harmony, you should probably start with these tutorials: