How to Use New Project Wizard - mchpgfx/ GitHub Wiki

Microchip Technology How to Create a Simple Design Using the Project Wizard

New Project Wizard

Creating a new design in Legato composer is made simple by using the New Project Wizard which guides you step-by-step through the project creation process. The wizard prompts you to enter the settings needed and help to establish the necessary project parameters. The wizard can also create a basic UI that you can use as starting point, otherwise you can create a design from scratch.

The New Project Wizard panel is launched by selecting File -> New from Legato composer main menu bar.

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Alternatively, you can use the Create New Design image icon.

Lastly, the wizard can also be launched from the Welcome dialog. The welcome dialog is displayed immediately after Legato composer is launched when there is no design file to associate with the current configuration. Select Create a new project design using the new project wizard.

Microchip Technology

In this tutorial

In this tutorial, we will use the new project wizard to create a basic UI design. We will add to the basic UI design in the next tutorial.

When you have completed the steps, Legato composer automatically establishes the screen designer based upon the settings defined by the wizard.

  1. Select File -> New. Select Yes when prompted to Create New Design?. Follow the instructions of the wizard.

Display Configuration

The wizard supports a display configuration input to set the display resolution. You can use one of the available Presets or enter Width and Height values individually. For this tutorial, we will use HVGA preset to set 480x320.

  1. Click Presets drop-down and select HVGA. Click Apply to automatically set Width and Height fields. Click Next

Microchip Technology

Color Mode

The wizard supports a Color Mode setting. For this tutorial we will use colormode RGB_565 which is 16bits per pixel. The size of a single frame buffer is displayed to provide an estimate of the amount of video memory required to support display rendering.

  1. Select option RGB_565. Click Next

Microchip Technology

Memory Profile

The wizard supports a Memory Profile setting. This setting can be board specific. The Variable Heap is a Legato-managed pool used exclusively in the MGS Harmony Library. It is separate from the heap specified in MPLABX and are not connected. For more information see: How to Manage Memory.

The table below lists the memory settings for each profile.

Scratch Buffer Size (kb) 16 20 16 16 16 128 256
Variable Heap (bytes) 4096 512 4096 4096 4096 131072 262144

For this tutorial we will use the default memory profile.

  1. Select option Default. Click Next

Microchip Technology

Project Template

The wizard supports a Project Template setting. When selected, this setting automatically populates the screen designer window with a basic quickstart design UI. The image below is the basic quickstart design template.

For this tutorial we will use the basic quickstart template UI which is similar to the design used in legato_quickstart application. This design has one interface (screen0). Later in this tutorial, we will create another interface (screen1).

  1. Select Start with a basic quickstart project template. Click Next

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  1. Click Finish to finalize your new project.

You will notice that this project has:

  • Screen - base interface
    • Layer - display interface
      • Widgets - input and display objects
  • Schemes - color layouts
  • Assets - images, strings, fonts

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  1. Click File > Save to finalize your new design addition. The project defaults to

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MGS Harmony File guidelines

MGS Harmony project files are generated via MHC generate button. These are stored in the project space. There is no need for modification.

Applicaton project files are not generated. We recommend to store customer (application) specific files outside the generated project space.

See table for recommendations:

Files Location Example User Editable?
Generated Files firmware/src/config/default/gfx/legato/generated le_gen_screen_Screen0.h le_gen_screen_Screen0.c No
User files firmware/src app.h app.c app_Screen0.h app_Screen0.c app_Screen1.h app_Screen2.h Yes

Next Step

In this guide, you learned how to use the New Project Wizard to create a template based UI design. We also learn that this design has one Screen and several Widgets. This is a simple design. We will have to add more to the design support additional screens, widgets, user interactions and transitions. At this point, you’re ready to start adding a new Screen. Go to the next guide in this tutorial: How to Add a New Screen.

If you are new to MPLAB® Harmony, you should probably start with these tutorials:

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