Page Index - mccode-dev/McCode GitHub Wiki
74 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Welcome to the McCode wiki!
- McStas website and mailinglist
- McXtrace website and mailinglist
- General information
- Migrating from McStas 2.x to 3.x (and McXtrace 1.x to 3.x)
- Developer guides
- For users & comp developers
- Interlinks with other software
- Documentation on the McCode tools
- Guides for McWeb ( simulator and more)
- 2020 Virtual McStas McXtrace GPU hackathon (November)
- 2022 McStas McXtrace hackathon @ ESS DMSC
- Access to the code tree
- Building McStas McXtrace
- Builds and platforms overview
- Debugging the c code
- Developer literature
- Generate Vitess modules via mcstas2vitess
- Generating input files for Single_crystal and PowderN
- GPU Debugging tips
- GPUhack building and installing McStas
- GPUhack dev ops
- GPUhack example compilation
- GPUhack example run
- GPUhack get profile data
- GPUhack hardware and infrastructure
- GPUhack intro
- GPUhack measure wall clock
- GPUhack useful software to install to local machine
- How McStas McXtrace works overview
- How to update the MCPL shipped with McStas McXtrace
- How to use Eclipse with PyDev
- HOWTO: McXtrace absorption files (materials)
- HOWTO: McXtrace reflectivity files
- HOWTO: McXtrace reflectivity files XrayDB python library
- HOWTO: Modifying a McStas 2 component for use under McStas 3
- HOWTO: Modifying a McStas 2 instrument for use under McStas 3
- Install the NeXus data format
- Known issues and FAQ's
- Main changes and differences between McStas 2.x and 3.x described at 3.0 release time (Jan 2021)
- McCode roadmap discussions 2023 and beyond
- mcdisplay pyqtgraph
- mcdisplay variants table overview
- mcdisplay webgl
- McDisplay WebGL: Development, debugging and deployment
- mcgui
- MCPL related issue on Ubuntu 17.04
- mcplot pyqtgraph
- mcplot variants table overview
- mcrun
- mcrun variants table overview
- McStas 3.0beta technology preview release notes
- McStas and Mantid
- McStas McXtrace 3 and GPU terminology (table)
- McStas McXtrace team
- McStas sample functionality matrix
- McStas tutorial: simplified SANS instrument
- Overview of differences in "classic McStas McXtrace" and the 3.x versions
- Parsing TRACE output for an "mcdisplay"
- Release procedure notes
- Setting up LDAP authentication
- Setting up mcsimulator with LDAP authentication (debian)
- Setting up mediawiki with LDAP authentication
- Setting up moodle with LDAP authentication
- Setting up nightly tests 2021 style
- Signing Windows macOS binaries
- template_instrument_basic
- tutorial_SANS.instr
- UI test checklist
- User documentation for the Python tool set
- Using Union in McStas 3.x
- Variables and Scopes
- Writing Components