Strokes 0.0.10 - mb1986/rm-hacks GitHub Wiki


rM Hacks DocumentationStrokes

There are normally three stroke sizes (line thicknesses) for all the writing tools except highlighter and for the eraser tool. The sizes are Thin, Medium, and Thick.

rM Hacks adds additional stroke sizes, five additional for the writing tools and three additional for the eraser.

Writing tools

For all the writing tools except highlighter, the sizes are

  • Thinner (0.5)
  • Thin (1)
  • Medium Thin (1.5)
  • Medium (2)
  • Thick (3)
  • Thicker (5)
  • Even Thicker (8)
  • Thickest (13)

More stroke sizes, writing tools


For the eraser, the sizes are

  • Thinner (0.5)
  • Thin (1)
  • Medium Thin (1.5)
  • Medium (2)
  • Thick (3)
  • Thicker (5)

More stroke sizes, eraser

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