Settings Configuration 0.0.10 - mb1986/rm-hacks GitHub Wiki

Settings / Configuration

rM Hacks DocumentationSettings Configuration

The rM Hacks Configuraion menus contain settings to enable and disable the many available features.

rM Hacks Configuration page

After installing rM Hacks (see README), tap

  • ☰ Menu
  • ⚙ Settings
  • rM Hacks

to open the rM Hacks Configuration page.

rM Hacks Configuration page

General Settings

Compressed files list

When this setting is on, an additional Compressed List menu option is available to display a more compressed files list.

Compressed files list

Alphabetize tags filter list

When this setting is off, the default tag order (newest first?) displays in the Menu ⇒ Tags filter list.

Default tags filter list

When this setting is on, the tags display in alphabetical order.

Alphabetized tags filter list

Screen orientation button

A new icon button shows above the documents list. Press this button to select from four screen orientation modes (two portrait modes, two landscape modes)

New in version 0.0.10: the orientation button now opens a drop down menu to select from.

Screen orientation button

Screen orientation has priority

New in 0.0.10.

When toggled on, the screen orientation defined above has priority over the document setting, and the document setting does not display.

Screen orientation has priority off Screen orientation has priority off

Persist the tags filter

Maintains the selection of tags used for filtering in the Menu ⇒ Tags view.

Persist the tags filter

Replace the sleep-mode black banner with '...zzZ'

When this setting is off, the default black sleep-mode banner displays during light sleep.

Default sleep mode banner

When this setting is on, light sleep will display a smaller '...zzZ' symbol.

Replaced sleep-mode banner with ...zzZ


New in 0.0.10.

Access the export menu by long pressing the power button (needs restart to work).

Note also there is a new gesture for screenshot: long-press with five fingers. See Gestures Configuration below.

Screenshot via power button lon press

ScreenShare everywhere

New in 0.0.10.

Enable the possibility to use ScreenShare outside of documents as well.

Faster UI

New in 0.0.10.

Less polished, but faster screen drawing and refresh.

Selection tool shortcut

New in 0.0.10.

Using Type Folio, press 'Alt opt' to toggle the selection tool.

Zoom shortcuts

New in 0.0.10.

Using Type Folio, use 'Ctrl + Plus' and 'Ctrl + Minus' to zoom in or out.

This feature is available without rM Hacks, but with rM Hacks you can disable it.

Transparent Sleepscreen

New in 0.0.10.

Allow transparent png for suspended png (located in /usr/share/remarkable).

Document Configuration

Hide document close button ⓧ

When this setting is off and the toolbar is not hidden, the close button will appear like normal.

Document close button

When this setting is on, the close button will not appear, but it is still possible to close the document by swiping one finger down from the top.

Hide new page button

Hides the new page button when you swipe to next page and creates new pages automatically.

Hide new page button

Hide page numbers

When this setting is off, the tablet will display page numbers at the bottom as you swipe from page to page. When this setting is on, those numbers will not display.

Hide page numbers (not hidden)

Remove last empty page

If a notebook has an empty page at the end, it is removed if you swipe to the previous page.

Set new notebook name as current date

When this setting is off, new notebooks are assigned default names like "Notebook", "Notebook 1", etc.

New notebook default name

When this setting is on, new notebooks are named with the current date in the format yyyy-mm-dd_hhmmss.

New notebook name as current date

Hide books border

New in 0.0.10.

Hide the pdf and epub black border that appears when view is adjusted.

PDF border shows PDF border hidden

Hide the toolbar button

Hide the top left toolbar button in the document view.

When this setting is on and the toolbar is hidden, the toolbar button is also hidden. So no icon appears at all.

Show current brush icon

Note: when the above setting "Hide the toolbar button" is on, this setting will not appear in the settings menu.

When this setting is off and the toolbar is hidden, it will display the usual icon.

Hidden toolbar default icon

When this setting is on and the toolbar is hidden, a different icon displays.

Hidden toolbar current brush icon

In the upper left is an indicator of the stroke thickness (where applicable), the upper right shows the color (where applicable), and the bottom center shows the tool selected.

Show current brush icon BG

Note: this setting displays when "Show current brush icon" is selected.

When this setting is on and the toolbar is hidden, the brush icons with color values will display those colors in a background circle.

Hidden toolbar current brush icon

When this setting is off, the color values display as text.

Hidden toolbar current brush icon, text

Button to open files in Layers menu

New in 0.0.10.

When selected, buttons will appear in the Layers menu to open recent files (and favorites) or a new quicksheets as the current document ("Main doc").

Open files buttons in layers menu

Split Document

New in 0.0.10.

When selected, options appear in the Layers menu to split or overlay the current document with a second document ("Split doc"). [Yay!]

Split document buttons in layers menu

Hide grayed-out features

New in 0.0.10.

Features that are grayed out in the Share Tool menu will not show to users who are not subscribed.

Toolbar Configuration

See also Toolbar.

Document clock

Enables a clock (HH:MM) to display at the top of the toolbar.

Clock display in toolbar

Hide toolbar header

Hide the header of the toolbar (the top round toggle in the toolbar).

The image on the left shows the header not hidden. The image on the right shows it hidden.

Header of toolbar not hidden Header of toolbar hidden

Decrease toolbar width

The toolbar width is decreased to 75% of its original size.

Default toolbar width Decreased toolbar width

More stroke sizes

When this setting is off, the default writing tool stroke sizes are available (Thin, Medium, Thick).

Default stroke sizes

When this setting is on, more stroke sizes are available (Thinner (0.5), Thin (1), Medium Thin (1.5), Medium (2), Thick (3), Thicker (5), Even Thicker (8), Thickest (13)).

More stroke sizes, writing tools

Page number and total pages count button

When this setting is on, the current page number and total page count is shown in the toolbar. In addition, tapping these numbers will open the fast page scroll feature (which normally is available by swiping one finger up from the bottom of the page).

Page number and total pages count button

Table of contents button

When this setting is on, if a document has a table of contents, a table-of-contents toolbar button displays.

Table of contents button

Jump straight to the tags view

Long-pressing the tags toolbar button in an open document closes it and jumps to the Menu/Tags view.

Jump straight to the tags view

Document-level toggle buttons

When this setting is off, the default document share options are available.

Default share options

When this setting is on, more options are available in this menu, allowing you to change some settings without exiting the document.

New entries in version 0.0.10:

  • Enable/disable Rotation Snap
  • Enable/disable Screen Refresh
  • Jump directly to rM Hacks Settings

Document level toggle buttons

Hacks configuration button

New in 0.0.10.

Button located in the Share Tool menu for navigating to the rM Hacks configuration view.

When this option is selected along with the Document-level toggle buttons, they appear together as shown above. Without the Document-level toggle buttons, the hacks configuration button can appear alone as shown below.

rM Hack configuration button

Document battery and wifi icons

Enables battery level and WiFi signal strength indicators to display at the bottom of the toolbar.

Battery / WiFi display in toolbar

Hide text tool

New in 0.0.10.

The Text Tool will be hidden and will not interfere with your workflow.

Bookmarks Configuration

See also Bookmarks.


This setting enables bookmarks feature for documents.

Bookmarks tool

Bookmarks corner tap

Bookmark the current page by tapping in the corner opposite the toolbar, just inside the document close button ⓧ, if displayed.

Bookmark the current page

First page bookmark

This setting adds 'First Page' to the bookmarks grid.

First Page entry in bookmarks navigation grid

Last page bookmark

This setting adds 'Last Page' to the bookmarks grid.

Last Page entry in bookmarks navigation grid

QuickTools Configuration

See also QuickTools.

QuickTools bar

Add new tool shortcuts. Swipe up to show or hide the bar. Double tap to remove or move a tool.

QuickTools bar (horizontal)

QuickTools button in toolbar

Add a new button for QuickTools in the toolbar.

QuickTools button in toolbar

QuickTools is horizontal on top

If true, QuickTools is horizontal on top, otherwise it will be vertical in place of or next to the toolbar.


QuickTools bar (horizontal)


QuickTools bar (vertical)

QuickTools hides behind the toolbar (when QuickTools is vertical)

This setting affects how the QuickTools bar displays when the toolbar is opened and closed.

First of all, when the toolbar is open, swiping up will open and close the Quicktools next to the toolbar as shown below. This happens whether or not you selected the "hides behind" option.

QuickTools next to toolbar

Second, when the toolbar is closed, swiping up will open and close the QuickTools in the toolbar location. Again, this happens whether or not you selected the "hides behind" option.

QuickTools, toolbar closed

Finally, when the toolbar and QuickTools bar show side by side, closing the toolbar will move quicktools to the toolbar location.

QuickTools next to toolbar QuickTools, toolbar closed

Then opening the toolbar will place the toolbar over the QuickTools, hiding them. When the toolbar is closed again, the QuickTools will reappear.

QuickTools hidden under toolbar QuickTools, toolbar closed

QuickTools as header

Replace the toolbar toggle with the QuickTools bar.

In horizontal mode, when this setting is off, the QuickTools bar shows to the side of the toolbar toggle.

QuickTools as header off

When this setting is on, the QuickTools bar overlays the toolbar toggle.

QuickTools as header on

In vertical mode (toolbar hidden), when this setting is off, the QuickTools bar shows below the toolbar toggle.

QuickTools vertical as header off

When this setting is on, the QuickTools bar again overlays the toolbar toggle.

QuickTools vertical as header on

QuickTools details

Show the stroke size and color details on each tool button.

When this setting is off, only the tool icon displays.

QuickTools details off

When this setting is on, the details appear above the icons.

QuickTools details on

QuickTools details background

Note: this option is available when the above "QuickTools details" setting is selected.

When this setting is off, the tool detail colors appear as text abbreviations.

QuickTools details background off

When this setting is on, the colors appear with backgrounds filled in.

QuickTools details background on

Gestures Configuration

See also Gestures.

Gesture to toggle toolbar

Swipe one finger down in the body of the page to open or close the toolbar.

Gesture to toggle toolbar, one finger down in center

Gesture to toggle QuickTools

Swipe one finger up in the body of the page to open or close the QuickTools bar.

Gesture to toggle QuickTools, one finger up in center

Gesture to swap last two tools

Swipe one finger down in the corner closest to the toolbar to switch between the last two tools.

Gesture to swap last two tools, one finger down upper corner closest toolbar

Gesture to swap last tool with eraser

Swipe one finger up in the corner closest to the toolbar to switch to the eraser and back.

Gesture to swap tool with eraser, one finger up upper corner closest toolbar

Gesture to swap the last two pen strokes

Swipe one finger down in the corner opposite the toolbar to switch between the last two pen strokes.

Gesture to swap the last two pen strokes, one finger down upper corner opposite toolbar

Gesture to swap the last two colors

Swipe one finger up in the corner opposite the toolbar to switch between the last two colors.

Gesture to swap the last two colors, one finger up upper corner opposite toolbar

Gesture to open previous document

Swipe two fingers up from the bottom of the page to open previously edited document.

Gesture to open previous document, two fingers up from bottom

Gesture to put the device into light sleep mode

Swipe on finger up from the top of the page to enable light sleep mode.

Turn on light sleep mode from the Menu ⇒ Settings ⇒ Security page. If light sleep is not turned on, this gesture will put the device into normal sleep mode.

Gesture to put the device into sleep mode, one finger up near top

Add page on edge double tap

Adds a new page on a double tap on edge (left or right) and go to this page.

Add page on edge double tap, left and right

Remove on double tap

Double tap on an empty page removes this empty page

Remove empty page on double tap in center

Reset viewport & toolbar new gesture

New in 0.0.10.

Reset all scrollbars and zoom levels with a 3-finger swipe down.

Three finger swipe down to reset viewport

Swipe from the edge to show the toolbar, and swipe towards the edge to hide it.

One finger swipe from edge to show toolbar One finger swipe to edge to hide toolbar

Gesture to force screen refresh

Tap with all five fingers to trigger a whole screen refresh.

Gesture to force screen refresh, five finger tap

Screenshot gesture

New in 0.0.10.

Long-press with all five fingers to take a screenshot.

Choose from two screenshot options:

  • Save as PNG in '/home/root'
  • Import as PDF (to My files)

Screenshot gesture, five finger long press

Stylus Configuration

Enable additional stylus support

Adds support for various click patterns and behaviors for the stylus button and eraser.

Click, Double click, Triple click

Stylus click double click triple click

  • Off
  • Undo
  • Fineliner tool
  • Selection tool
  • Highlighter tool
  • Tool switch
  • Color switch

Press and Hold

Stylus press and hold

  • Off
  • Eraser
  • Selection eraser
  • Selection tool
  • Highlighter tool
  • Color switch
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️