QuickTools Vertical Use Case - mb1986/rm-hacks GitHub Wiki

QuickTools Vertical Use Case

rM Hacks DocumentationFeature of the dayQuickTools Vertical Use Case

The QuickTools feature has many ways to set up and lay out pre-configured writing tools.

This is a discussion of one simple use case with a QuickTools layout in vertical mode.


The QuickTools page outlines how to use the feature in general.

Path to the QuickTools Configuration display:

☰ Menu ⇒ ⚙ Settings ⇒ rM Hacks ⇒ QuickTools Configuration


To make your QuickTools display vertically, unselect the QuickTools is horizontal on top option.

QuickTools is horizontal on top configuration option

Hide Behind Toolbar

To hide QuickTools hehind the toolbar, select the QuickTools hides hehind the toolbar option.

QuickTools hides hehind the toolbar configuration option

Toolbar Header/Icon

Path to the Document Configuration display:

☰ Menu ⇒ ⚙ Settings ⇒ rM Hacks ⇒ Document Configuration

Select the document configuration option to Show current brush icon (i.e., tool icon) when the toolbar is closed.

Show current brush icon configuration option

QuickTools in Action

When the toolbar is visible and you trigger the QuickTools bar to display, it will display (vertically) next to the toolbar.

QuickTools and toolbar side by side

When you close the toolbar, the QuickTools bar will shift over to the toolbar location (left or right).

Note that we selected Show current brush icon which shows in the uppermost left (or right) corner. The QuickTools bar displays below that.

QuickTools showing when toolbar is closed

Then when you open the toolbar, the QuickTools bar will be hidden behind it.

Toolbar is hiding the QuickTools bar

When you close the toolbar, QuickTools will appear there again.

QuickTools showing when toolbar is closed

Finally, when the QuickTools bar is showing and the toolbar is hidden, the brush icon that shows at the very top is a nice extra indicator of what is selected.

QuickTools bar with fineliner size 3 selected QuickTools bar with fineliner size 8 selected QuickTools bar with gray highlighter selected QuickTools bar with eraser tool selected QuickTools bar with selection tool selected

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