Features Overview 0.0.10 - mb1986/rm-hacks GitHub Wiki

Features Overview

rM Hacks DocumentationFeatures Overview

Below are descriptions of rM Hacks features grouped in a few broad areas.

Toolbar additions

See also Toolbar.

Clock (HH:MM) displays at the top of the toolbar

Clock display in toolbar

Decreased toolbar width

Default toolbar width Decreased toolbar width

When the toolbar is closed a brush/tool icon displays instead of the default open/close icon.

Hidden toolbar current brush icon

More stroke sizes, writing tools and eraser

More stroke sizes, writing tools More stroke sizes, eraser

QuickTools bar tool shortcuts. Displays horizontally or vertically. Swipe up to show or hide the bar. Double tap to remove or move a tool.

QuickTools bar (horizontal)

Current page and page count (n/n) display near the middle of the toolbar. Tapping these numbers opens fast page scroll.

Page number and total pages count button

When a document has a table of contents, a button for it appears in the toolbar above the page overview button.

Table of contents button

Long press the tags button to jump straight to the tags view.

Jump straight to the tags view

Bookmarks button to toggle bookmark and show navigation grid displays between the tags and layers icons.

Bookmarks tool

Short tap on this button opens/closes the bookmarks navigation grid.

First Page entry in bookmarks navigation grid

Long press toggles a bookmark for the current page.

Bookmark icon toggled on for current page

Document-level toggle buttons

Document level toggle buttons

Battery level and WiFi signal strength indicators display at the bottom of the toolbar.

Battery / WiFi display in toolbar


Above the My files documents list is a screen orientation button. Tap this button to select from four screen orientation modes--two portrait modes and two landscape modes (new in 0.0.10).

Screen orientation button

Short tap on the bookmarks button opens/closes the bookmarks navigation grid.

First Page entry in bookmarks navigation grid

Compressed List option for document lists

Compressed files list

Tags are alphabetized on Menu ⇒ Tags display

Alphabetized tags filter list

Swipe two fingers up from the bottom of the page to cycle between two recent documents.

Gesture to open previous document, two fingers up from bottom

Tap the current page/page count numbers to open fast page scroll.

Tap current page/page count for fast page scroll

Long press the tags button to jump straight to the tags view.

Jump straight to the tags view



See also Gestures.

Swipe one finger down in the body of the page to open/close toolbar.

Gesture to toggle toolbar, one finger down in center

Swipe one finger up in the body of the page to open/close QuickTools.

Gesture to toggle QuickTools, one finger up in center

Swipe one finger down in the top corner closest to the toolbar to switch between the last two tools.

Gesture to swap last two tools, one finger down upper corner closest toolbar

Swipe one finger up in the top corner closest to the toolbar to switch between the writing tool and eraser.

Gesture to swap tool with eraser, one finger up upper corner closest toolbar

Swipe one finger down in the top corner opposite the toolbar to swap the last two pen thicknesses (strokes).

Gesture to swap the last two pen strokes, one finger down upper corner opposite toolbar

Swipe one finger up in the top corner opposite the toolbar to swap the last two colors.

Gesture to swap the last two colors, one finger up upper corner opposite toolbar

Five-finger tap triggers screen refresh.

Gesture to force screen refresh, five finger tap

Add page on edge double tap.

Add page on edge double tap, left and right

Remove current empty page on double tap.

Remove empty page on double tap in center

Sleep mode

Enable sleep mode by swiping up from the top of the screen (light or deep sleep selectable in Settings/Security).

Gesture to put the device into sleep mode, one finger up near top

Display ...zzZ in the top right corner during light sleep mode instead of a big black banner.

Replaced sleep-mode banner with ...zzZ

Reset viewport & toolbar new gestures

New in 0.0.10.

Reset all scrollbars and zoom levels with a 3-finger swipe down.

Three finger swipe down to reset viewport

Swipe from the edge to show the toolbar, and swipe towards the edge to hide it.

One finger swipe from edge to show toolbar One finger swipe to edge to hide toolbar


See also Bookmarks.

Tap in the top corner opposite the toolbar to toggle a bookmark for the current page.

Bookmark the current page

Long press in the top corner opposite the toolbar to create a named bookmark or to change the name of an existing one.

Rename bookmark

Toolbar bookmarks button shows all bookmarks in the currently open document.

First Page entry in bookmarks navigation grid

Long press the bookmarks toolbar button to toggle a bookmark for the current page.

Bookmark icon toggled on for current page

Long press the bookmark grid item from the bookmarks menu to rename the bookmark.

Rename bookmark

Split Document

New in 0.0.10.

See also Split Document.

The Split Document feature allows you to open and edit two documents at once, or to edit two places in the same document.

Split doc menu

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