Parts of Speech Tagger Errors Do Not Necessarily Degrade Accuracy in Extracting Information from Biomedical Text. - mauriceling/ GitHub Wiki

Citation: Ling, MHT, Lefevre, C, Nicholas, KR. 2008. Parts-of-Speech Tagger Errors Do Not Necessarily Degrade Accuracy in Extracting Information from Biomedical Text. The Python Papers 3 (1): 65-80.

Link to [Abstract] and [PDF]

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This manuscript attempts to find out the reason why an un-adapted text processor can perform comparably to adapted tools. It was found that although an un-adapted text processor's parts-of-speech (POS) tagging accuracy is lower than specialized tools, it has minimal effect on the transformation to subject-verb-object structures due to complementary POS tag use in shallow parsing (breaking down sentences into phrases); thus, supporting our previous findings.