999 Days - mauriceling/mauriceling.github.io GitHub Wiki

Arises before the sun
Ready to zoom the basalt run
A short flight to KL and back
Bears a lot of weight as hands on deck
999 days from start of cadet
To this, the second bar beget
An adventure for my flying cat
Hitting targets like eagle on running rat
More than a decade of dream
Arriving just before thirtieth birthday cream
Third day of lunar year
A seal and a joyous tear
— 07/02/19

Commentary: Today marks an important milestone in Melvin’s flying career where he officially finished training as a second of-ficer. A very early test flight to Kuala Lumpur and back. There is a lot at stake but Melvin did it. According to him, this marks 999 days since he started ground school. This promotion to first officer came on the third day of the new lunar year and just before his thirtieth birthday – a seal had been made.

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