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OpenTripPlanner (OTP) is an open source multi-modal trip planner, which runs on Linux, Windows, or potentially any platform with a Java virtual machine. OTP is released under the LGPL. As of Fall 2011, the code is under active development, with a variety of working demos from around the world.

(Looking for information on OpenTripPlanner for your agency? Then visit OpenTripPlanner.com).

Latest Project Updates:


OpenTripPlanner is presently at version 0.4.3.

The software currently:

  • Plans multi-modal walking, biking and transit trips
  • Takes travel time, road type/safety, and elevation data into account when planning bike trips, and provides an interface for customizing the weighting of these three factors
  • Shows graphical elevation profiles for bike trips
  • Imports data from GTFS, shapefiles, OpenStreetMap and the National Elevation Dataset
  • Plans trips in about 100ms in a moderate sized city
  • Exposes a RESTful API (XML and JSON), which other apps or front-ends can build on

See the Milestones page for more information on what's next.


See the OTP NYC demo, plus other working demos of OTP.


http://maps5.trimet.org/otp-dev/otp.zip (90 megs)

Please see the following tutorials:

Code Repository

To browse the source online visit https://github.com/openplans/OpenTripPlanner.

To create a local copy of the repository, use the following command:

$ git clone git://github.com/openplans/OpenTripPlanner.git

Developer Information

Contact Info

Send questions and comments to the user mailing list.

Chat with us via IRC on Freenode channel #opentripplanner or chat through the web

Stakeholders and User Information


The project began a collaborative effort among TriMet, OpenPlans, and the developers of FivePoints, OneBusAway and Graphserver, and has since grown to encompass a global community of users and developers. More information on OTP's origins is available at the Project History page.