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OpenTripPlanner (OTP) is an open source multi-modal trip planner, which runs on Linux, Windows, or potentially any platform with a Java virtual machine. OTP is released under the LGPL. As of Fall 2011, the code is under active development, with a variety of working demos from around the world.
(Looking for information on OpenTripPlanner for your agency? Then visit OpenTripPlanner.com).
Latest Project Updates:
The Portland Regional Trip Planner launched October 15! Read more about the project, and see also TriMet's 2009-2011 OTP Final Report.
See schedule/notes for our Weekly Check-In Discussions, held Thursdays at 1:30pm EDT (13:30 GMT-4)
For information about the OTP Workshop held in Portland, OR on July 13-15, 2011, see 2011 OTP Workshop
OpenTripPlanner is presently at version 0.4.3.
The software currently:
- Plans multi-modal walking, biking and transit trips
- Takes travel time, road type/safety, and elevation data into account when planning bike trips, and provides an interface for customizing the weighting of these three factors
- Shows graphical elevation profiles for bike trips
- Imports data from GTFS, shapefiles, OpenStreetMap and the National Elevation Dataset
- Plans trips in about 100ms in a moderate sized city
- Exposes a RESTful API (XML and JSON), which other apps or front-ends can build on
See the Milestones page for more information on what's next.
See the OTP NYC demo, plus other working demos of OTP.
http://maps5.trimet.org/otp-dev/otp.zip (90 megs)
Please see the following tutorials:
Code Repository
To browse the source online visit https://github.com/openplans/OpenTripPlanner.
To create a local copy of the repository, use the following command:
$ git clone git://github.com/openplans/OpenTripPlanner.git
Developer Information
- Installation instructions (how to get a development environment set up)
- Developers Guide (code conventions, how to submit patches, etc)
- RESTful API Documentation
- Tutorials (complete list of development tutorials)
- Mailing lists:
- IRC channel:
on Freenode- You can connect using your favorite IRC client or chat through the web (just enter a username and click Connect)
- Check out and contribute to future ideas for the software
- RoutingBibliography articles that have informed development of the OTP routing engine.
- AnalyticsBibliography articles on non-passenger-facing applications of multi-modal routing engines (including OTP) in urban planning, public policy, and the social sciences.
Contact Info
Send questions and comments to the user mailing list.
Chat with us via IRC on Freenode channel #opentripplanner
or chat through the web
Stakeholders and User Information
- OpenTripplanner.com has information for agencies, live demos, and details on commercial support for OTP.
- OpenTripPlanner mailing list (for getting help with and discussing the software)
- Frequently asked questions (FAQ) (what is a trip planner? who's behind this?)
- Phase One project plan
- Kick-off workshop (notes from the workshop that launched this project)
The project began a collaborative effort among TriMet, OpenPlans, and the developers of FivePoints, OneBusAway and Graphserver, and has since grown to encompass a global community of users and developers. More information on OTP's origins is available at the Project History page.