2011 OTP Workshop - mattwigway/OpenTripPlanner GitHub Wiki

See detailed notes from the workshop.

The following presentations are available for download:

Read the OTP three-month roadmap, developed based on discussions at the workshop.

View the list of workshop attendees.

The original workshop agenda follows below.

OpenTripPlanner Workshop July 13-15, 2011

Friday Web Conference Info

Please register on left side of this page to join live conference: https://trimetevents.webex.com/trimetevents/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=661984429

Problems with the webex conference contact Bibiana McHugh at mchughb @ trimet.org

Meeting Location

TriMet Holgate Facility, Conference Rooms Sellwood & Ankeny 4421 SE 17th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202

Directions and Travel Information


Wednesday July 13, 2011

9:00am Breakfast (hosted by Open Plans)

9:30am Group introductions and OTP project overview. Each participant provides a brief description of their work.

10:45am Brief Break

11:00am Overview of recent OTP developments: a brief, semi-technical talk about routing optimization, new features and other contributions.

11:30am Document overview of "OTP 2009-2011 RTO Grant Final Report" including summaries of:

  • Hi-level two-year project overview

  • Analysis of routable networks

  • OTP trip evaluation results

  • Scope for next two years

12:30pm Lunch (hosted by TriMet)

1:30pm Detailed reports from OTP related work:

3:30pm Break

4:00-5:30pm GTFS Data collection and management

  • Round-table discussion on data challenges and future needs for management tools

  • Demo of open source tools under development for the Atlanta metro region.

  • Real time schedule updates and service changes.

6:00pm Happy Hour and Dinner

Rogue Distillery & Public House Reservation for OTP Group in Will's Room 1339 NW Flanders, Portland, OR 97209 Stop ID 2046 on Line 17

Link to Planned Trip from Workshop Event to Dinner at Rogue

Thursday July 14, 2011

9:00am Breakfast (hosted by Open Plans)

9:30am Planning for year ahead and OTP feature roadmap.

10:45am Brief Break

11:00am Analytical Tools

11:30am Base maps, OpenStreetMap and geocoding: current status and next steps.

12:30pm Lunch (hosted by Open Plans)

1:30pm Formalizing an OTP stakeholders group to guide future development.

3:30pm Break

4:00-5:30pm Routing and optimization technical discussion. Detailed review of recent changes and future plans.

6pm Saucebox Cafe & Bar

214 Southwest Broadway, Portland, OR 503-241-3393 Stop ID on Line 17 is closed so bus will stop at NW Broadway between Couch & Davis

7:00 Dinner at Typhoon (3 blocks south of Saucebox)

410 Southwest Broadway, Portland, OR 503-224-8285 Stop ID 7747 on Line 17

Link to Planned Trip from Workshop Event to Saucebox

Friday July 15, 2011

8:30am CIO Consortium Question and Answer Session

9:00am Breakfast (hosted by Open Plans)

9:30am Improving OTP development process, source code management, release process , etc.

10:45am Brief Break

11:00am Continued - Improving OTP development process, source code management, release process , etc.

12:30-1:30pm Lunch and Wrap-up