Help for Public Data Pages - materials-commons/ GitHub Wiki
Published Data Pages
The 'home page' of the Materials Commons web application is the Published Dataset page. That is, when you browse to the Materials Commons base url,, you will 'land' on this page. You do not need to be logged in to view this page. Herein, a lists of datasets are shown, to facilitate finding and selecting the published information (see details, below):
Other functions - Login and Top Level Navigation
Before describing the detail of this page and the pages it links to, a brief note about getting to the other parts of the Materials Commons web application from here.
In order to view the "Projects" page and other parts of the site, you will need to log into the site, by clicking on the "LOGIN/REGISTER" link in the upper right hand corner of the page; obviously, this is also the link to use to register for a new account. These functions (login and registration) are covered in the login help section of these help pages.
In the upper left corner of most pages, you will see the top-level navigation links: 'Projects' and 'Published Data'. Once you are logged in, the 'Projects' link will take you to the project management area in the application (see help on projects page in the "Projects Pages" section of the Help pages). The 'Published Data' link will return you to this page.
Navigating in the Published Data
Starting from the Published Data list page (shown above), you can view the list of most often viewed datasets (tab: TOP VIEWED DATASETS) or the list of most recently published datasets (tab: RECENT DATASETS). The 'Search...' text area can be used to filter the portion of the list that is displayed: the text typed will be matched to any of the text in the title or description of the dataset item in the list.
If you click on the title of an entry in a dataset list, you will see a dataset details page.
The Dataset Details Panels
The dataset details page consists of four panels, shown below. These are: Overview, Workflow, Files, and Comments. Clicking on the tab with panel's name will bring that panel to view.
A few of the features herein, require that you be logged in; specifically: setting or unsetting the "I found this dataset useful" at the top of each panel, downloading the dataset (zip file) on the Overview Panel, viewing the thumbnail images in the Files panel, and adding, editing, deleting comments on the Comments Panel. Other then that, you may browse the content of any Published Dataset, using this page and it's panels.
Overview Panel
When first viewing a dataset's details, or when you click on the Overview tab of the dataset detail page,
you will see this panel:
Note the Title of the dataset, the checkbox "I found this dataset useful" (only shown when you are logged in) and the tabs to navigate to the other panels. These will appear on the top of each dataset panel.
In the Overview Panel, in addition, are shown: the dataset description, dataset authors and owner, funding source(s), publication date, view/use license, DOI, Tags, and the link to download the dataset (as a zip file). Since a some of the fields are optional, not every field will appear in every dataset's details.
The download link is not available if you are not logged in. And, at times, the link will be disabled if the zip file is being rebuilt.
Workflow Panel
The workflow panel shows the network of published workflow processes:
Since not all of the Experiment's processes are necessarily published, the graph of processes may be disconnected.
You can navigate in this panel to discover details about the processes, samples, and files of the experiment. For example, you can discover the samples used in each process step and the files associated with that process step and/or the sample. For details on navigation in this panel see the section on the workflow panel in the Help section on Experiment Page and Panels.
Files Panel
The files panel is a list of all of the files in the dataset:
Shown are the file name, file type, and file size. In addition, if you are logged in, you will see a thumbnail image for file content that can be rendered. These are the files that will be downloaded in the dataset's zip file (see the description of the Overview Panel, above).
Comments Panel
In the comments panel you can view comments on the dataset left by yourself and others.
Note: you must be logged in to add comments, edit comments, and delete comments. You can only edit or delete comments that you created.
NEXT: Login Page, also see Table Of Contents, top right of this page.