Plugin — WooCommerce - martindubenet/Wordpress GitHub Wiki

WooCommerce is the world’s most popular (and FREE) open-source eCommerce solution. It is also translation ready and supported by WPML plugin.

Tutoriel pour les produits vendus au Québec

  1. Configuration manuelle des taxes de ventes du Canada dans Woocommerce

Activer la taxe

  1. Sidebar menu  ↦  « Woocommerce »  ↦  Onglet « Général »,
  2. Descendre à la ligne « Activer la taxe »,
  3. Cocher l'option « ✅ Activer le calcul et le coût des taxes »

WooCommerce's StoreFront master theme

StoreFront is the default (free) master theme maintained by WooCommerce. They sale a bunch of plugins to extend the default functionality and features.

Custom theme development tutorials

  1. Start with WooCommerce in 5 Steps
  2. WooCommerce Theme Developer Handbook

Best practices to customize WooCommerce plugin from your theme

Use hooks within your functions.php (or plugin) to polulate the « woocommerce.php» template using your theme's page.php markup as a reference.

Overriding WooCommerce templates

Edit files in an upgrade-safe method using overrides. Copy the template into a directory within your theme named /woocommerce keeping the same file structure but removing the /templates/ subdirectory.

Style WooCommerce via functions.php

Disable the default stylesheet

  1. Stop WooCommerce plugin from loading all or specific stylesheets using their woocommerce_enqueue_styles method.
  2. Add your custom stylesheets within their plugin using the wp_enqueue_woocommerce_style allowing you to overrule woocommerce.css.

Available features

Enable Product Gallery

This is optional. You do not have to support all 3 parts of the gallery.

add_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-zoom' );
add_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-lightbox' );
add_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-slider' );

WooCommerce data file xml for theme developer

Woocommerce Sub-Plugins

  1. Deposits for Woocommerce (Free) by CodeiXER.
  2. Woocommerce Deposits by Woocommerce.