Home - mapstraction/mxn GitHub Wiki
This is the Mapstraction wiki; it's a companion to the Mapstraction website and contains a whole lot more stuff related to using, developing with and contributing to Mapstraction.
Developing With Mapstraction
- Getting Started; the Mapstraction tutorial, read this first if you're new to Mapstraction
- API Documentation; the API docs for the latest version of Mapstraction
- Supported Map API Providers; which maps APIs are supported by Mapstraction and how do you use them?
- Changelog; what's in each Mapstraction version?
- Map API Provider; Feature Support Matrix; what's supported and what's not supported for each maps API provider
- Map Provider Gotchas; not all maps APIs are created equal; here the things you need to know about your chosen map provider
- Downloading Mapstraction; where to download the Mapstraction code
Join The Mapstraction Community
- Sign up to the Mapstraction mailing list
- Follow us on Twitter; we're @mapstraction
Contributing To Mapstraction
- Contributing; how to contribute bug fixes, new features and pull requests to the code base
For Mapstraction Maintainers And Committers
- Branching; the branch naming strategy the project uses
- Merging Pull Requests; how to handle pull requests and merge them
- Releasing; how to get Mapstraction ready for releasing a new version
- Version Numbers; how the projects defines version numbers and what they mean
Other Information
- Open Source Projects using Mapstraction; who else is using Mapstraction and what for?