Operation Didgeridie - malkovich/bibanon GitHub Wiki

Don't fucking remove the Meatspin, it's there to keep MSM from linking here. Image:Flasher.gif

<youtube v="THPscN652-0"></youtube> Australia's internet future is at stake. Kevin Rudd is attempting to execute a plan in which every part of Australia's internet will be censored; even though you may not care about Australia, the world (i.e. USA and others) will eventually follow suit until free information ceases to exist.
This operation, therefore, is of highest importance; it is one to save the internet.

People are being confused. This (DDOS) starts at 0900 GMT, EFG is all day, tell your friends, tell your family, tell your colleagues, tell your fucking cat.

EXPLANATION : Extreme confusion between IRC, /net/ on 888chan and various other people has arisen over times. 0900 GMT is the time that the DDoS starts. The Government have until 9 am (2300 GMT) on the 9/9/09 to make their position clear. If they don't back down then Anon will attack.

AKA 4 AM Eastern Standard Time.

Table of Contents

The Plan so far.

It seems lots of people are confused as to what we are doing.

1) DDos the Prime Ministers website to get them the message about what is happening.

2) Get lots of Media Coverage to gain peoples attention and get everyone's support for taking the filter down.

3) Wait for their response: if it is yes, Stephen Conroy will resign, it's a win for us and the filter goes down. If they say no, we go IRL stuff here. Spread the word to everyone, hand out fliers. We don't want this to be another peaceful hippie protest [Chanology]


UPDATE: LOL FAGGOT REPORTERS GOT BAITED INTO #SKYNEET, SEVERAL CONFIRMED SPAIS/REPORTERS ||3v1L_D00D|| and AnonR. "Secret chat logs between the hackers who briefly brought down the Prime Minister's website last night reveal that the operation was a disorganised failure in one sense, but not in another." Spais don't know the REAL channel is #superskynet

UPDATE: Scientology just announced their support for the Australian Internet Filter : Here

UPDATE: THE VIDEO IS OUT! Spread the link! http://anonym.to/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEe7qhlFNs4 (stop changing the link, the Original already has over 13,000 views and good comments/ratings. Support that one, not ones that have been re-uploaded and have barely any views/comments at all.)

UPDATE: We did have media coverage. See Operation Didgeridie#Victories below for links that lead to Sky News and Bigpond.

UPDATE: Media coverage from AC. See Operation Didgeridie#Victories.

Points of Attack

1. We need to blast their servers into the dust. We already have about 60 lazors, and as such this should run smoothly. Ausfags are reminded that they will be more useful /efg/'ing and blackfaxing etc.

2. All Australians must either /efg/, blackfax or call in constantly... Targets for blackfax are below. Find and call the numbers for the DBCDE and tie them up. Print out fliers and cards and distribute them in public areas.

Everyone who's in on number 2, say so here so we can gauge our numbers. [----]

Fax numbers to target:

  • +61 2 6271 1901 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +61 2 6271 1901      end_of_the_skype_highlighting [Department]
  • +61 2 6273 4154 [Stephen]
  • +61 3 9650 3251 [Stephen]
  • +61 3 9408 0194 [Stephen]
  • +61 2 6219 5353 [ACMA]
  • +61 3 9963 6899 [ACMA]
  • +61 2 9334 7799 [ACMA]

Video Links

Download Link: http://anonym.to/http://sharebee.com/66013749

Youtube Link: http://anonym.to/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEe7qhlFNs4


For all the faggots who don't know how to internet. New version: Better to read, better to see. thumb thumb Plaster this and the above all over the place IRL to stir up the public.

Original Post

Original Post:
The Australian Internet Filter

The Australian government is proposing a new internet filter, which will stop not only our lulzy filth getting through to the Ozfags, (encyclopediadramtica.com is already on the block list, dog ass motherfucking censor-shits) but will also block hundreds of legitimate sites and slow their internet down by 75%. Their Minister of Interwebz Stuff is a prime faggot who wants to block Steam, eBay and over 9000 other websites because he's a stupid overbearing religious fanatic.
Now, some of you may not care for Australia, but unfortunately it has a habit of jumping on the bandwagon like an unloved street kid with the rest of the countries, and if this is 'successful', then it may spread. Information is free, and the Australian government needs to be taught this lesson.

Formal Declaration of War

To the Citizens and Netizens of the Internet:

On the morning of September the 9th, the Government of Australia, pursuing its course of internet censorship, have shown to us that they have no response nor intend to provide one concerning their plan. The long-known and the long-expected has thus taken place. The forces endeavoring to belittle and undermine the freedom of the internet are now moving towards their final goals. Never before has there been a greater challenge to freedom of information, liberty and civilization. Delay invites great danger. Rapid and united effort by all of the peoples of the world who are determined to remain free will ensure a world victory of the forces of justice and of righteousness over the covert powers of censorship and of oppression. Australia is not alone in this regard: countless governments from across the world can also be exposed as fascists and dictators in this regard. Therefore a state of war between Anonymous and the Australian Government, and between Anonymous and all other governments which find themselves so inclined to impose censorship upon the internet, will be recognized.

Our declaration of war is as follows:

Declaring that a state of war exists between the Government of Australia and aforementioned governments and Anonymous and making provision to prosecute the same.

Whereas, the Government of Australia and aforementioned governments have formally declared war against the freedom of information and speech which embodies the internet; and

Whereas, the Australian government is guilty of planning to force censorship of the internet and make it mandatory to their online users; and

Whereas, such acts continue to pose extreme threat to the security and freedom of the internet and its users; and

Such acts render it both necessary and appropriate that Anonymous exercises its rights and acts in defense of themselves and the supporters of net neutrality.

Therefore, be it Resolved by the united conglomerate that is Anonymous, that the state of war between Anonymous and the Government of Australia and aforementioned governments which has thus been thrust upon the Anonymous is hereby formally declared; and the conglomerate that is Anonymous is authorized and directed to employ the entire power and force of our collective to carry on war against the Government of Australia and other aforementioned governments; and to bring the conflict to a successful termination, all of the resources of the collective are hereby pledged by the united conglomerate of Anonymous. -Anonymous

Why This is Bad

(Shamelessly taken from http://www.nocleanfeed.com)

Although the final details of the filtering plans have been kept under wraps, the Minister is on record as being firmly committed to a mandatory clean-feed internet to Australian homes, schools and public computers. A trial of filtering software by the ACMA has already been performed, with a "live" field pilot to follow later this year. We must act fast before millions of dollars are squandered on this technically impractical and democratically unworkable solution in search of a problem. What do we know so far?

  • Filtering will be mandatory in all homes and schools across the country.
  • Encyclopediadramatica.com is already on the AMCA's blacklist. NOT EVEN FUCKING CHINA HAVE BLACKLISTED ED!!!! Fuck you, Rudd.
  • The clean feed will censor material that is "harmful and inappropriate" for children.
  • The filter will require a massive expansion of the ACMA's blacklist of prohibited content.
  • The Government wants to use dynamic filters of questionable accuracy that slow the internet down by an average of 30%.
  • The filtering will target legal as well as illegal material.
  • $44m has been budgeted for the implementation of this scheme so far.
  • The clean-feed for children will be opt-out, but a second filter will be mandatory for all Internet users.
  • A live pilot deployment is going ahead in the near future.
What we don't know is just as important.
  • What age level is the country's Internet to be made appropriate for? 15? 10? 5 years old?
  • Who decides what material is "appropriate" for Australians to see?
  • How are lists of "illegal" material compiled?
  • Who will maintain the blacklist of prohibited sites?
  • How can sites mistakenly added to the list be removed?
All of us want to see children protected from content that could be disturbing or harmful. The clean-feed filter is not a good way to go about this, and could actually reduce the safety of children online. There are technical issues.

The clean-feed, if attempted, will be a technical disaster. The Internet does not work in a manner that would let a filter be effective, and the World Wide Web contains far more content than could ever be effectively rated by a Government organisation. The host of technical hurdles include:

  • Like asking Australia Post to filter out objectionable letters, a filter would require ISPs to examine all web traffic, causing enormous expense and technical headaches.
  • A filter will slow Internet access down by up to 80% according to a Government report.
  • Even the most accurate software the Government has tested would incorrectly block 10,000 sites in every million.
  • The ACMA would be overwhelmed with the task of maintaining a blacklist. Millions of web sites, with the list changing on a daily basis, would need to be monitored by Australian bureaucrats - an impossible task.
  • Only illegal material published on web sites could be targeted, completely missing other methods of distribution such as BitTorrent.
  • Any determined user - including children - could bypass the filter quickly using an anonymizer service, open proxy, or VPN connection.
  • The clean feed would be less customisable and effective than a PC-based filter.
In short, as the best experts in the country unanimously agree, Conroy's plan does not make sense technically. There are free-speech concerns.

Although the initiative is intended and marketed as a tool to help protect children from the dangers of the Internet, this paternalistic scheme raises some troubling issues that affect all Australians. As a source of daily information, the Internet increases in importance every day. Do we really want the Government of the day deciding what Australian adults can and can't see? Do we want Australia to join a censorship club in which Burma, China and North Korea are the founding members?

  • The list of prohibited sites will probably be secret, so it will be hard to know what content the Government has effectively banned.
  • Filtering will be compulsory in all homes, even where there are no children.
  • It is unknown whether there will be any way to have content removed from the prohibited list.
  • How far will the list go, now and in future? Will it filter out material on sexual health, drug use, terrorism... even breastfeeding? Euthanasia and anorexia have been touted by Government MPs as topics worthy of filtering.
The Clean Feed is bad policy.

In short, even if it worked the filter would be terrible policy. By censoring the entire country's Internet access down to the level of a child of indeterminate age, it robs Australian adults of ability to make their own decisions about what content they view.

  • Most Australians don't want the filter.Support for this overly broad policy is virtually non-existent, even from child-protection organisations. A recent survey shows that 51.5% of Australian net user strongly oppose the plan, while only 2.9% strongly support it.
  • One size doesn't fit all. A single filter list can't deliver results that are appropriate for all parents, teens and children, with no way to customise the filter for your household.
  • The protection for children is minor at best, an illusion at worst. The clean-feed does nothing to protect children from real threats like cyber-bullying, online sexual predators, viruses, or the theft of personal information. It may provide a false sense of security to parents, reducing effective monitoring of their children's online activities.
  • The money is better spent elsewhere. The filter will cost tens of millions of dollars to attempt. Yet the Government's own studies admit education is more effective than filtering in protecting children, and that "content risks" are less dangerous than other risks.
  • No other democracy has a scheme comparable to the clean-feed. Comparable systems in Europe only filter a handful of illegal sites, and then only to prevent accidental access.

Taken from Wikipedo

In 2008, the Australian Labor Party introduced a policy of mandatory Internet filtering for all Australians. While the policy has not yet come into force, it has generated substantial opposition, with only a few groups in support. The Labor Party does not have enough votes in the Senate to enact any legislation to support the filter, so that the filter has "effectively been scuttled" unless the government is able to implement the filter by other means. -So essentially, they weren't going to bring it in anyway due to the fact that not even Krudd can get around the legislation.


OK, here's the plan that we seemed to settle on in the IRC.

  1. On the 8th of August, 2009, the man with the video uploads it to Youtube and links it here
  2. We sort out scripts to 5-star, favourite it and such and send it straight to the top ASAP.
  3. At the same time Anonymous notifies major news stations and such of the video. Essentially we want public and media attention on a huge scale.
  4. Keep running your scripts intermittently during the month between 8/9/9 and 9/9/9.
  5. The government responds to our message.
    1. Spread their response to all the major Australian and worldwide media outlets. Quite a few of them should say something about it.
    2. Upload a second one, addressed to the Australian public. Use metacafe and such as well.
  6. The government DOESN'T respond in the month time frame.
    1. We skullfuck their servers with the link in the UDP message.
    2. We then wait again to see if they got the message.
    3. If they respond, go to 5.
    4. If they STILL don't respond, we call our /b/rethren in for a major DDoS on their central servers, and we flood Stephen Conroy's email address with viruses etc.
  7. And so the war begins...


Unrar for your secret Happy. Low Orbit Ion Cannon. No EFC. -why no EFC, they do the same thing, and EFC is out without the virus now
Life Ruination should not be used here, YET. This may sound moralfaggy, but fucking the government members like Stephen Conroy with goatse spam will not help this fight. We wait for a response to our video, before we engage anything else.

The image on the right can be opened with Winrar to reveal Tube Increaser, a view getter for youtube. Simply install, crack, load your proxies, set target, ?????, Profit - Doesn't work use Youflood

 - Get [[Youflood]]!!!!!! (LINUXFAGS ONLY)
 - Get [http://anonym.to/http://fairgamestop.org/insurgen/insurgen.html 404ServerNotFound.exe]

n.e.1. needing to distibute tools mail me [email protected] fairgamestop.org is available to our /b/rothers

Fax Bomb

Also, use this Imacros script to send faxes to the melbourne politician. You probably want to tweak it though, and durr use a proxy.

 TAB T=1
 URL GOTO=http://www.getup.org.au/campaign/SaveTheNet&id=728?dc=841,496859,1
 TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=NAME:TakeAction ATTR=ID:Email [email protected]
 TAG POS=1 TYPE=TEXTAREA FORM=NAME:TakeAction ATTR=ID:EmailBody CONTENT=I<SP>am<SP>a<SP>member<SP>of<SP>Anonymous.<SP>I<SP>
 TAG POS=1 TYPE=TEXTAREA FORM=NAME:TakeAction ATTR=ID:EmailBody CONTENT=Internet<SP>censorship<SP>sucks.<SP>I'm<SP>a<SP>member<SP>of<SP>Anonymous<SP>and<SP>I<SP>won't<SP>stand<SP>for<SP>it.<SP>Many<SP>prominent<SP>Coalition<SP>figures<SP>including<SP>Nick<SP>Minchin<SP>and<SP>Malcolm<SP>Turnbull<SP>have<SP>publicly<SP>spoken<SP>out<SP>against<SP>the<SP>filter,<SP>saying<SP>saying<SP>it's<SP>the<SP>job<SP>of<SP>parents,<SP>not<SP>the<SP>Government,<SP>to<SP>protect<SP>our<SP>children<SP>online.<BR>Internet<SP>service<SP>providers<SP>that<SP>participated<SP>in<SP>the<SP>live<SP>trial<SP>have<SP>complained<SP>that<SP>it<SP>was<SP>poorly<SP>run<SP>-<SP>some<SP>even<SP>left<SP>the<SP>trial<SP>early.
 TAG POS=1 TYPE=TD ATTR=TXT:Write<SP>your<SP>fax<SP>This<SP>is<SP>your<SP>chance<SP>to<SP>have<SP>input.

Hit them hard, boys. Use white-on-black messages such as Information Is Free, the links, NO CENSORSHIP etc.


  • Stephen Conroy

Contact details Parliamentary office

Suite MG70 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600

Tel: 02 6277 7480 Fax: 02 6273 4154 Ministerial office

Level 4, 4 Treasury Place Melbourne Vic 3002

Tel: 03 9650 1188 Fax: 03 9650 3251 Electorate office

Suite 1B 494 High St Epping Vic 3076

Tel: 03 9408 0190 Fax: 03 9408 0194

Work emails: [email protected] [email protected]

Site Information

There are many different sites hosted by the same hosting company that is providing internetz for our target:
Some DNS Enumeration / Ports Found
  • admin.Australia.gov.au
  • dev.Australia.gov.au
  • login.Australia.gov.au / 80 HTTP, 443 HTTPS
  • mail2.Australia.gov.au
  • maps.Australia.gov.au / 80 HTTP
  • search.Australia.gov.au
  • services.Australia.gov.au
  • staging.Australia.gov.au
  • test.Australia.gov.au
  • www.Australia.gov.au / 80 HTTP
  • media.Australia.gov.au alias govsearch-failover.funnelback.com
  • govsearch-failover.funnelback.com address
For Australia.gov.au, robots.txt: has 1 disallowed entry /media/

m0ar as time permits.

Find Dox on Stephen Conroy
  1. Go to Dox page
  2. Find moar dox
  3. Keep dox handy to follow the government response (or lack thereof).

Also, to build up hype:

  1. Get theReloadEvery Firefox Add-on. Open five new tabs and go to Google. Search for "Austrailia censors Internet" or "Message To The Australian Government From Anonymous". Click the drop-down arrow next to the Refresh button & click Reload Every 5s (10s if you have a slow PC.) This will put these on Google's Top 100 Trends.
  2. Go to all your friends who know you're anon. Ask them to help with posters, and spread rumours.
  3. Come up with quotes and slogans that make people think something big is about to go down. Along the lines of "August 9th. Expect us.".
  4. Go to all your friends who don't know you're anon, and spread rumours directly through them.
Download this 150k email list here and get a mass mailer and email them all the youtube link. It can only be downloaded 10 times so i need someone to reup it or put it to good use ~Flash The limit was reached,someone reup.


(The code below also works in Cygwin, /b/rothers > Tested by Avic)

go to bash terminal, delicious copy-pasta:

while [ 1 ]; do let R=$RANDOM%10+1; curl -A 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 6.0)' \
\&btnG=Search\&aq=f > /dev/null; echo "Sleep $R seconds"; sleep $R; done
Does the same as above, but sexier, and with a random wait in between each request. For support with Tor, add the following option to the curl:
--socks4a localhost:9050
Run script many times in parallel to really fuck with your tor exit node
Sign this:

Spam this petition.

  1. Go to :http://petitions.tigweb.org/oznetcensorship
  2. Spam this with fake information. (John Mccain Is on The List)
  3. Email to friends etc....

29665 have signed so far - help us get to 1,000. : We have achieved 2966.5% of our goal. Let's keep going!
^^^Archived Email this link to Rudd...^^^
perhaps someone can write a script to automate this?

Talk back radio

For the first time in the history of mankind talk back is useful. Call any of these stations and let them know about the censorship plan and why you oppose it.

Station : 2GB Number : 131 873

Station: 4BC Number: 13 13 32

Station: Triple J HACK Number :1300 0555 36

Station: 96.5fm [Talking] Number:1300 85 13 14

Station: NOVA 969 Number: 13 24 10

Station: Vega 953 News room - 02 9564 9800 The studio: 13 25 10

Some Melbourne stations:

3AW - 693kHz AM - 03 96 900 693 or 131 332

ABC - 774kHz AM - 1300 222 774

Vega - 91.5 MHz FM - 13 25 10

SYN - 90.7 MHz FM - 03 9925 9907


The Australian government had no website

Pre 9/9/9:

- Sky News Deleted.

- Bigpond Online News Coverage Deleted. Google Cache

- AC Coverage


Sydney Morning Herald - PM's website hacked Herald Sun - Hackers attack prime minister's website Same as Sydney Morning Herald ZDNet UK - Australian police probe government cyberattack The Australia - Prime Minister's website hacked WAToday - Hacker 'declaring war' on Australian Government News Australia - Prime Minister's website hacked Live News Australia - Prime Minister's website hacked Deleted The Age - PM's website hacked Adelaide Now - Prime Minister's website hacked Stuff.co.nz - Aussie PM's website hacked by protester Stuff.co.nz - Hackers threaten more .gov.au websites Sky News - PM's website hacked Deleted. Links to spread Google News: kevin rudd website Google News: 'Anonymous' Declares War on Australia


Some delicious copypasta

"The whole Anonymous thing is fanciful garbage. As a group it's not to be taken seriously," the source (a 'network security professional') who wished their name to be withheld, told ZDNet.com.au"

"who wished their name to be withheld"

Nazi speak articles Spiegel-Online Germany´s Most read news Site

Anonymous Cyberattack on the web

Dire threats of DDoS attack and other electronic harassment of Federal Government websites and fax numbers were reported yesterday.

Reports today in various mainstream media outlets suggest a variety of tales of woe, mostly conflicting! Overall however, very little happened. For instance, well-known IT observer Duncan Riley wrote a short diary while monitoring various government sites last night, finding little of interest aside from a seven-minute interruption to the Prime Minister's site.

One wonders if the interruption was due to an excessive number of journalists and bloggers hitting the site to check that it was alive.

A spokeswoman from the Attorney general's Department confirmed that the Prime Minister's website was briefly unavailable just after 7pm last night.

The spokeswoman said, "I can confirm that the Prime Minister's website was unavailable for a short time shortly after 7pm on 9 September 2009. Visitors to the site received an error message stating that the service was unavailable. The attack took the form of a distributed denial of service (DDoS) designed only to disrupt access to the website, conducted by a group calling itself 'Anonymous'. There was no unauthorised access to the website's infrastructure.

"Relevant Australian Government agencies worked with Internet service providers to ensure that the site was restored."

Having been warned of the attack, the spokeswoman noted that "The Cyber Security Operations Centre (in the Defence Signals Directorate) is providing IT security advisers (ITSAs) in each of the targetted Australian Government agencies with assistance to monitor and respond to the threat. Agencies are working with their Internet service providers (ISPs) to respond to any attacks."

Due to ongoing enquiries, the spokeswomen declined to comment further except to note that "individuals who become involved in these types of cyber attacks need to be aware that they are committing an illegal act."

She finally observed that contrary to a variety of media reports, no other government sites were affected by the incident.

Sen. Stephen Conroy Minister for Communications, Broadband and the Digital Economy described the attacks as "juvenile" and further observed that "This campaign is completely misinformed and erroneous. The Government is examining the introduction of ISP level filtering for Refused Classification material, as identified under the National Classification Scheme, such as child sexual abuse imagery, bestiality and sexual violence.

"A trial is expected to be completed shortly with a report to be provided to the Minister following its conclusion."

As a final aside, and to prove "there is no honour amongst thieves," yesterday's report on iTWire included a link (now removed) to the 'manifesto' for this Operation Didgeridie. Today that manifesto site has been replaced with a slew of hard-core porn.

-- sause: http://anonym.to/http://www.itwire.com/content/view/27618/53/


||3v1L_D00D|| rule32 rule34 over900

(matchai ownz ur soulz) Category:Project Skynet Category:Raids


Fresh Victories

<youtube v="THPscN652-0"></youtube>
  • Australia has received major attention from our project. They are taking a stand on their own.
<youtube v="VlxPwkAtJFI"></youtube>
  • We received MAJOR coverage at the end of the Operation. Very informative.
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