HowTo - mailsvb/WorkPointInterface GitHub Wiki

This is a very basic PHP script for handling the provisioning of OpenStage VoIP devices. Use an Apache Webserver + PHP (e.g. XAMPP) to host this script.

  1. Use the rewrite rules in .htacccess file to forward the device request to the main file (index.php)

  2. The index.php file only handles the incoming request sent by the device and calls a function (example included) with the following values

  • IP of device
  • Contact reason
  • The previous action (optional)
  • The message nonce (needed for the reply)
  • An array of all items send by the device ([item-name] => ([value],[index])
  • The whole POST data of the device
  1. Trigger a device to contact the WPI Server with a POST request sent to the device
  • https:///contact_dls.html/ContactDLS POST-DATA: ContactMe=true&dls_ip_addr=&dls_ip_port=