Graphics.LunarAitkenBasinData130306ReleaseNotes - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki
Lunar Aitken Basin Data 130306 Release Notes
Lunar Aitken Basin Data pack - EDGE Compatible Version 2.3
On this page… (hide)
- 1. Changes
- 2. Requirements
- 3. Download
- 4. Installation
- 5. Usage
- 6. Notes
1. Changes
- Fixes
- None
- New Features
- This optional add on will convert the moon to have a global elevation map.
Click for larger comparison image.
2. Requirements
This data pack is only meant to work with EDGE v2.3 and assumes you already have the Lunar Global Elevation Data addon installed.
3. Download
This update is currently available in the download section.
4. Installation
NOTE: This is not a required update. In fact, installing this update will likely use more resources, so do not install unless it is needed for your project.
Install the lunar global data pack add-on first. Release notes with installation instructions for that are here: Lunar Global Elevation Data 130306 Release Notes
Unpack the lunar Aitken basin data pack into the EDGE gisdata directory.
$ cd path/to/EDGE_v2.3/gisdata # Note: if you use a different location for your gisdata, use that! $ unzip
Make sure your USERDATA environment variable is pointing at the same userdata directory that had the modifications required in the Lunar Global Elevation Data Pack install. If not, make sure the userdata modifications from that installation are also present in the userdata you will use.
5. Usage
Run EDGE normally. This patch should not change any existing behavior other than the bug fixes noted above.
6. Notes
This is not all of the Aitken Basin region but rather just one small part. The location information for the imagery data is:
Upper Left : 161d12'48.43"W, 59d18'11.97"S
Lower Left : 161d12'48.43"W, 60d37'22.92"S
Upper Right : 158d34'26.52"W, 59d18'11.97"S
Lower Right : 158d34'26.52"W, 60d37'22.92"S
Center : 159d53'37.47"W, 59d57'47.45"S