Graphics.LunarGlobalData130306ReleaseNotes - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

Lunar Global Elevation Data 130306 Release Notes

Lunar Global Elevation Data pack - EDGE Compatible Version 2.3

On this page… (hide)

  1. 1. Changes
  2. 2. Requirements
  3. 3. Download
  4. 4. Installation
  5. 5. Usage

1.  Changes

  • Fixes
    • None
  • New Features
    • This optional add on will convert the moon to have a global elevation map.

Before and after
Grazing angle shading with this data provides a much more realistic look. Click for larger comparison image.

2.  Requirements

This data pack is only meant to work with EDGE v2.3.

3.  Download

This update is currently available in the download section.

4.  Installation

NOTE: This is not a required update. In fact, installing this update will likely use more resources, so do not install unless it is needed for your project.

  1. Unpack the lunar global elevation data pack into the EDGE gisdata directory.

    $ cd path/to/EDGE_v2.3/gisdata # Note: if you use a different location for your gisdata, use that! $ mv $ unzip

  2. If you don't have a $USERDATA directory you are using for your project, make a new one by running "cp -a userdata userdata.myproject" and then setting $USERDATA to point to userdata.myproject before you run. The directory does not need to live under the EDGE directory. To set an environment variable in csh, you would type:

    $ setenv USERDATA "path/to/userdata.myproject"

For bash it would be:

$ export USERDATA="path/to/userdata.myproject"
  1. Edit your $USERDATA/user.cfg to add the following in your DEFINES block:


  2. Copy the default planet2_moon.cfg into the configs directory in your $USERDATA as referenced above:

    $ cp path/to/EDGE_v2.3/configs/planet2_moon.cfg $USERDATA/configs/

  3. Edit the planet2_moon.cfg in your $USERDATA to make a small modification. You want to remove the comment ('#') in front of the bmp_map line. The line should read:

    bmp_map( ground, moon_bmp )

  4. Make sure your USERDATA environment variable is pointing at your userdata directory and re-launch EDGE.

5.  Usage

Run EDGE normally. This patch should not change any existing behavior other than the bug fixes noted above.