WPlayer - lnx00/Lmaobox-Library GitHub Wiki


Wrapper for the player entity. Inherits from WEntity.


  • .FromEntity(entity) Creates a WPlayer from a given native Entity. The entity needs to be a player!
  • .GetLocal() Returns a WPlayer of the local player or nil if it doesn't exist.


  • :IsOnGround() Returns whether the player is on the ground.
  • :GetActiveWeapon() Returns the active weapon as a WWeapon.
  • :GetObserverMode() Returns the spectator mode of the player (first person, third person, etc.).
  • :GetObserverTarget() Returns the spactated target as a WPlayer.
  • :GetNextAttack() Returns the time when the player can attack again.
  • :GetHitboxPos(hitboxID) Returns the position of the hitbox as a Vector3.
  • :GetViewOffset() Returns the view offset of the player.
  • :GetEyePos() Returns position of the players view as Vector3.
  • :GetEyeAngles() Returns the eye angles of the player as EulerAngles.
  • :GetViewPos() Returns the position the player is looking at.