Object Types - lkuper/rust GitHub Wiki

Structural object types

  • We currently have structural object types.
  • There’s no current way to make them recursive. For example, you can’t write the type of an object that has a clone method that returns the same type again.
  • Just as with disjoint union types, introducing recursive structural types makes for a much more complicated type system.

Nominal object types

  • We could consider adding interface types, which would be nominal object types that could be recursive, and we could allow objects to be annotated as implementing specific interfaces.
  • As a convenience, we could also implicitly bind every object constructor to an interface type of the same name, where instances are automatically implementations of that type.

Hybrid approach

  • The above two approaches could work together, with structural types not being recursive and nominal types being recursive.


  • Not as complex as equirecursive types.
  • Still provides the expressivity of recursive types.
  • Still provides the flexibility of structural types, just not in cases where the type needs to refer to itself.


  • May not be expressive enough, since nominal interfaces must be pre-declared.
  • Two different kinds of object types is confusing for users (which kind do I need this time? what’s the difference?)


  • Based on Kim Bruce’s work.
  • Every object type gets an implicitly bound self type that is a recursive binding to that type.
  • Object types remain structural.
  • Type equality must take into account self, but doesn’t have to worry about mutually recursive types.


  • All the benefits of structural types.
  • Much of the expressiveness of recursive object types.
  • Likely easier to work with, e.g. to compare for equality, though I’m not 100% positive.
  • Only one kind of object type.
  • Pretty close to the way things are now.


  • Not as expressive as full recursive types (may not matter).
  • Still probably harder to work with than non-recursive structural types; types become graphs again.
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