Disjoint union types - lkuper/rust GitHub Wiki


One thing that’s helpful to remember is the distinction between the semantics of type names and constructor names. The structural-vs-nominal axis is primarily about the type name, but it also has implications for the semantics of constructor names.

Structural disjoint-union types

How to understand them

  • Types are compared structurally rather than by type name. Disjoint union types do not have to be named.
  • Structural disjoint-unions more sense if you think of the constructor names as being labels rather than variables, i.e., they aren’t lexically scoped. That way when you compare two types for equality, no matter where in the program the types came from, you can sensibly compare the variant names. (This is similar to record field labels.)
  • The labels are associated globally (at least globally to the module; or, if labels are not module-qualified, then globally to the crate) with a particular type. You can’t use the same variant label for two different datatypes. (This is also similar to record field labels.)
  • Alternatively, you could allow constructors to be used in multiple distinct types. The constructor must always have the same type, no matter what type it appears in, but it can appear in multiple types. This is like Ocaml’s polymorphic variants. It’s a more expensive feature and has less predictable performance (based on hashing).


  • There are marshalling/unmarshalling benefits to structural disjoint-union types: when you marshall a value, you just have to store the structure of the type, and then other code can unmarshall it as long as the structure matches its expectations. By contrast, nominal types are less flexible and I think require some sort of branding.


  • Structural disjoint-union types become complex in the face of recursive types (“equi-recursive types”). Even without subtyping, the algorithm for comparing types for equality is tricky (and more expensive — it’s not a runtime cost, but it could affect compilation times, which Mozilla definitely cares about). Comparing types for equality becomes a cyclic-graph-equality problem. The basic algorithm is in TAPL (p. 305, fig 21 – 4), but that doesn’t handle mutual recursion. Apparently the more general algorithm is a little trickier since it has to be able to equate syntactically-different-but-semantically-equivalent unrollings of a type.
  • Anonymous recursive types are a bit of a brain-twister. Without inference, you might be able to avoid this problem by not providing syntax for them, and just require people to give names to recursive types (even though the name is actually insignificant).
  • Most of the historical precedent is in more experimental languages or experimental features of languages (Alice ML, Ocaml’s polymorphic variants, Typed Racket’s ad-hoc unions).

Nominal disjoint-union types

How to understand them

  • Disjoint-union types must be named, and they are compared for equality by name.
  • You still treat constructor names as non-lexically-scoped labels, and each constructor name belongs to a single disjoint-union type. This is not much different from the structural case, but it’s a little easier to understand, since it’s a constructor-name-to-type-name association rather than a constructor-name-to-type-structure association.


  • Bog-standard, well-understood.
  • Recursive types are not as complicated (“iso-recursive types”). Type equality is trivial to implement, efficient, and easy to understand.


  • Less flexible for marshalling/unmarshalling. If you want to recover the flexibility with structural union types you may end up having to reimplement equi-recursive type equality under the hood.

Local, generative disjoint-union types

How to understand them

  • Evaluating a piece of code with a local type declaration produces values of distinct, mutually incompatible types each time.
  • This is only observable when instances of the type escape that scope.
  • It’s a little weird trying to model this in the type system with nominal disjoint types, since the type can’t be named outside its scope.
  • It can be modeled as an existential type, though: if values escape the scope of the type declaration, they have an existential (i.e., abstract/opaque) type everywhere else. But of course we don’t have existential types.
  • But it’s easier just to disallow local types from escaping their scope.

Local, non-generative disjoint-union types

How to understand them

  • Evaluating a piece of code with a local type declaration produces values of the same type each time.
  • With structural types, letting values escape with a local type is no problem, since the type can always be expressed structurally in any scope.
  • With nominal disjoint-union types, it’s a little weird to give such escaping values a type, since they must be expressed by a name which is no longer in scope. You could allow it by reaching inside (e.g., crate.module.function.type), but this doesn’t work if you allow type declarations inside anonymous blocks. You could again back off to giving them existential types, if we had existential types.
  • Or again, you could just disallow letting local types escape their scope.
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