v1_EN_Git - liufeihong/simple-rtmp-server GitHub Wiki
Git Usage
How to use stable version of SRS? How to update code?
Checkout Branch
Some features are introduced in SRS2.0, the SRS1.0 does not support. The wiki url specifies the version of SRS supports it.
To checkout SRS1.0 branch:
git pull && git checkout 1.0release
To checkout SRS2.0 branch:
git pull && git checkout 2.0release
To checkout SRS3.0 branch(if no 3.0release branch, it's develop):
git pull && git checkout develop
Note: The master branch is main release.
SRS Branches
Each release will branch with hotfix, for example, 1.0release with latest bug fixed.
The main stable branch is the main release branch. The hotfixes will be merged from release to master every 1 or 2 months. For example, the hotfixes of 1.0release will be merged to master for 1.0r1, 1.0r2 to 1.0rN.
The develop is the dev branch, for example, 2.0 dev branch.
The stable is: master >= 1.0release >> develop.
How to get code?
User can git clone the SRS project:
git clone https://github.com/simple-rtmp-server/srs
Mirrors: https://github.com/simple-rtmp-server/srs/tree/1.0release#mirrors
How to update code?
Use git pull to update code, never git clone everytime.
git pull
Do not need to delete the objs, just update code and make. Use configure when make failed.
How to sync with SRS project
When user fork the SRS repository, user can pull request to sync with me.
For example, I fork the angularjs repository, sync after a month:
step 1:Click pull request
step 2: Switch to sync mode
Default is the original project on left, to pull to original project.
Click switching the base
, put the original project on right, to pull from original project.
step 3: Create pull request
Click Create pull request
, sync with original project.
Note: Click twice for sometimes one-click not work.
step 4: Pull request create
Input the message, Click Create pull request
step 5: Pull request crote
The pull request is submit to the forked repository.
Merge the pull request, sync with author.
step 6: Merge request
Click to merge.
step 7: Confirm merge
step 8: Sync ok
Then, git pull on your local linux.
Why git pull failed?
When local modified, git pull maybe failed, you can reset your changes:
git reset --hard
git pull
Note: The git reset will lost all changes.
A project/repository can use multiple branches, and each commit can used as tag.
SRS use simple branch strategy, no feature branch, no hotfix branch.
Master is the main stable branch. Release is each release with bug fixed. Develop is the development branch.
Refer to http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
Refer to http://blog.csdn.net/sabalol/article/details/7049851
Winlin 2014.11