Update a resource - lithnet/resourcemanagement-webservice GitHub Wiki

Used to update a resource in the FIM Service using its object ID


Method URL
PUT /v1/resources/{id}
PUT /v1/resources/{id}/?locale={locale}
PATCH /v2/resources/{id}
PATCH /v2/resources/{id}/?locale={locale}

Note: The v2 API uses PATCH as the method for updating a resource, while v1 uses PUT

URL Parameters

Parameter name Description
{id} The object ID of the resource to update

Query Parameters

Parameter name Description
{locale} Specifies the language code of the culture to save a localized representation of the resource in. This requires the appropriate language packs to be installed on the FIM/MIM Service. e.g en-US, de-de, ja-jp, es-es, it-it.

Request Body

A JSON-formatted list of attribute-value pairs to update


Response Codes

See the topic on error handling for the response codes that this API call can return.

Response Body

This method does not return a response body for a successful operation. See the topic on [error handling] for details on the response body returned for some exception types


Update an attribute on a resource


PATCH  /v2/resources/f03f50c0-f40a-4370-8531-e5d025d22cb2


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Update a localized value of a resource


PATCH  /v2/resources/f03f50c0-f40a-4370-8531-e5d025d22cb2/?locale=it-IT
    "DisplayName":"Nome visualizzato"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK