error handling - lithnet/resourcemanagement-webservice GitHub Wiki

The API returns the following response codes. Note that IIS or the WCF stack may return codes in addition to those shown here

v1 API

Code Description
200 The operation completed successfully
202 The operation completed, but is pending authorization
400 The request was malformed or incomplete
403 The user was not authorized to perform the operation
404 The specified resource could not be found
500 An internal error occurred

The body of the response may return an ExceptionDetail object that contains details about the error that was encountered.

v2 API

Code Description
200 The operation completed successfully
201 The resource was created successfully
202 The operation completed, but is pending authorization
204 The operation completed successfully, and there is no content returned
400 The request was malformed or incomplete
403 The user was not authorized to perform the operation
404 The specified resource could not be found
500 An internal error occurred

Response body

The body of the response may contain an error record that contains details about the error that was encountered. The error object is structured as follows

  "error": {
    "code": "resource-not-found",
    "message": "The specified resource was not found",
    "target": null,
    "details": null   
Field Description
code A string-based error code. See the error code table below for supported error codes
message A message indiciating the error condition
target The correlation-id provided by the resource management service, if available
details Reserved for future usage

Supported error codes

Code Description
bad-request The request was not valid
resource-management-exception The request caused an exception in the resource management service
interal-server-error A internal server error ocurred
resource-not-found The specified resource was not found
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️