Get a resource (v2) - lithnet/resourcemanagement-webservice GitHub Wiki
Used to get a resource from the FIM Service using its object ID or an anchor attribute/value pair
Method | URL |
GET | /v2/resources/{id} |
GET | /v2/resources/{id}?includePermissionHints={includePermissionHints} |
GET | /v2/resources/{id}?locale={locale} |
GET | /v2/resources/{id}?locale={locale}&includePermissionHints={includePermissionHints} |
GET | /v2/resources/{objectType}/{anchorAttributeName}/{anchorAttributeValue} |
GET | /v2/resources/{objectType}/{anchorAttributeName}/{anchorAttributeValue}?locale={locale} |
URL Parameters
Parameter name | Description |
{id} | The object ID of the resource |
{locale} | Specifies the language code of the culture to localize the representation of the resource in. This requires the appropriate language packs to be installed on the FIM/MIM Service. e.g en-US, de-de, ja-jp, es-es, it-it. |
{objectType} | The type of object to query |
{anchorAttributeName} | The name of the attribute that can be used to find this resource by its unique anchor value |
{anchorAttributeValue} | The value of the anchor attribute that uniquely identifies this resource |
{includePermissionHints} | A Boolean value indicating if permission hints should be returned with the resource |
This API call also supports the advanced resource rendering options
Request Body
This request type does not require a request body
Response Codes
See the topic on error handling for the response codes that this API call can return.
Response Body
This method will return a JSON-formatted response containing the attributes and value pairs of this resource.
Get a resource by its ID
GET /v2/resources/f03f50c0-f40a-4370-8531-e5d025d22cb2/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"ObjectType": "Person",
"ObjectID": "64f62191-b255-443b-bbe4-491a66300725",
"CreatedTime": "2015-06-02T09:13:57.037",
"Creator": "fb89aefa-5ea1-47f1-8890-abe7797d6497",
"DomainConfiguration": "1aff46f4-5511-452d-bcbd-7f7b34b0fe14",
"Manager": "64f62191-b255-443b-bbe4-491a66300725",
"AccountName": "testuser",
"AccountDisabled": true,
"UnixUid": 554422,
"DisplayName": "Test User",
"Domain": "FIM-DEV1",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"FirstName": "Test",
"JobTitle": "Test User",
"LastName": "User",
"MVObjectID": "{7612EEDA-551E-E511-8CDB-005056B50BB9}",
"jobTitles": [
Get the localized representation of a resource
GET /v2/resources/50193587-8093-4e93-9162-dcdc11a80641/?locale=it-IT
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"ObjectType": "ObjectTypeDescription",
"ObjectID": "50193587-8093-4e93-9162-dcdc11a80641",
"CreatedTime": "2015-05-26T19:22:43.483",
"Description": "Definizione dichiarativa di un flusso di lavoro disponibile per l'esecuzione durante l'elaborazione delle richieste.",
"DisplayName": "Definizione flusso di lavoro",
"Name": "WorkflowDefinition",
"UsageKeyword": "Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WebServices"
Get a resource as well as the permission hints for each attribute
GET /v2/resources/50193587-8093-4e93-9162-dcdc11a80641/?includePermissionHints=true
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"ObjectType": {
"PermissionHint": ["Read"],
"Values": "Person"
"ObjectID": {
"PermissionHint": ["Read"],
"Values": "64c7f3cb-ea3f-4f1d-fad7-b5cffae2bb85"
"ObjectSID": {
"PermissionHint": ["Read"],
"AuthNLockoutRegistrationID": {
"PermissionHint": ["Add", "Read", "Remove"],
"Values": ["5a4521b5-9904-460c-b241-8bd44262ff8b", "41784904-1ba7-4562-8655-5762a9b3a5b7"]
"AuthNWFRegistered": {
"PermissionHint": ["Add", "Read"],
"Values": "d71a683a-0622-4e1d-931a-1ee170b89645"
"DomainConfiguration": {
"PermissionHint": ["Read"],
"Values": "1aff46f4-5511-452d-bcbd-7f7b34b0fe14"
"AccountName": {
"PermissionHint": ["Read"],
"Values": "ryan"
"DisplayName": {
"PermissionHint": ["Read"],
"Values": "Ryan Newington"
"Domain": {
"PermissionHint": ["Read"],
"Values": "FIM-DEV1"
"FirstName": {
"PermissionHint": ["Read"],
"Values": "Ryan"
"LastName": {
"PermissionHint": ["Read"],
"Values": "Newington"
"MVObjectID": {
"PermissionHint": ["Read"],
"Values": "{33F7E22C-05ED-E511-9C2F-ECF4BBE77108}"
"personalTitle": {
"PermissionHint": ["Read"],
"Values": "Mr"
"organizationalRelationships": {
"PermissionHint": ["Read"],
"Values": ["OR0001", "OR0003", "OR0014", "OR0017", "OR0041", "OR0044"]