Delete all values from a specific attribute of a resource - lithnet/resourcemanagement-webservice GitHub Wiki

Used to delete all values from a specific attribute from a known resource

Available in version v2.0.6689 and later


Method URL
DELETE /v2/resources/{id}/{attributeName}

URL Parameters

Parameter name Description
{id} The object ID of the resource
{attributeName} The name of the attribute to delete the values from

Request Body

This request type does not require a request body


Response Codes

See the topic on error handling for the response codes that this API call can return.

Response Body

This method will not return a body.


Delete all the explict members of a group


DELETE /v2/resources/f03f50c0-f40a-4370-8531-e5d025d22cb2/ExplicitMember


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content