Help on Sourcemod - lenosisnickerboa/csgosl GitHub Wiki

NOTE: It is very important that you read and understand everything on this page before running sourcemod plugins on your public server. When running certain plugins on your public server you may end up in trouble with Valve. If the plugin performs actions in violation with Valve server guide lines you may get BANNED, or rather your GSLT (Game Server Login Token) will be. Read more here and here

I take NO responsibility for any problems you may encounter running misbehaving sourcemod plugins on your public server. Having said that, I have made every effort to ensure that this will not happen and I will describe below how it works.

csgosl separates "good" plugins from "bad" as you will see below. Sourcemod implements protection for "bad" plugins. This protection is by default enabled.

So a "good" plugin is a plugin which can be used with sourcemod plugin protection enabled, i.e. it should be ok to run on a lanonly as well as a public server. A "bad" plugin is a plugin which will only work if sourcemod plugin protection is disabled. This kind of plugin should NEVER be used on a public server. But "bad" plugins perform some "good" stuff :) Like weapon skins and knifes...

By default csgosl is setup so that Sourcemod is enabled when running a lanonly or public server. You can disable Sourcemod on public servers by enabling the lanonly option. You are protected by Sourcemod plugin protection and only "good" plugins are allowed to run. So far everything is fine and dandy, if this is all you want, no problems, go ahead and run your server.

The first part of the Sourcemod config page handles "good" plugins:

Sourcemod1 Sourcemod1

  • enable Controls if sourcemod functionality is enabled. This is the manual override switch.
  • onlylocal If onlylocal is enabled sourcemod will only be enabled if the server is run in lanonly mode. If you start the server in public mode sourcemod will automatically be completely disabled.
  • admins List all users (separated by space) you want to give sourcemod admin permissions on your server. Users are identified by their steam id (e.g STEAM_1:1:12345678, see here for how to obtain this id) or the users ip address (e.g.

Following these general sourcemod options are options per supported "good" plugin. Currently some of the plugins supplied with the sourcemod package are supported as well as some other requested plugins.

They are:

  • mapchooser
  • nominations
  • rockthevote
  • nextmap
  • randomcycle
  • warmod
  • multi1v1 (+flashbangs, kniferounds, online_stats_viewer)
  • gunmenu
  • cksurf ckSurf hints

Read more about them here

If this is not enough for you, you want the "bad" plugins as well, keep reading. And read carefully.


Following some warning text is the option banprotection. This option is by default enabled and ensures that all "bad" plugins are always disabled and that Sourcemod protection is enabled.

But... to be able to use the "bad" (but fun) plugins you need to disable banprotection AND perform a "Server Update" to install the "bad" plugins (they are not installed by default to protect you from mistakenly running a public server with these plugin files in the filesystem). Once this is done you can now enable the "bad" plugins and start the server.

The following "bad" plugins are supported:

  • Franug-Weapon_Paints (type !ws in chat to get a menu where you can select different weapon skins)
  • Franug-Knifes (type !knife in chat to get a menu where you can select different knives)

This youtube clip showcases these plugins.

You can reenable banprotection but it will take some manual steps to get all "bad" plugin files off the file system.

To reenable banprotection do the following:

  1. Enable the banprotection option on the config page.
  2. Manually remove the sourcemod installation folder. It is located in the server/csgosl/addons folder where you installed csgosl.
  3. Click "Update server" to reinstall sourcemod (but now without the "bad" plugin files since banprotection is enabled)

I have entered a new issue for adding full support for reenabling banprotection here

Your're done!

If you want to be able to run lanonly as well as public servers I recommend two separate installations instead so you don't need to toggle the banprotection option. If you want to run "bad" plugins and have friends connect across the Internet you need to setup a VPN for that. It's easy and I have described it here.

Some technical stuff for the curious, safe to ignore:

When banprotection is enabled:

  • the FollowCSGOServerGuidelines option in core.cfg is set to "yes"
  • no "bad" plugin files are installed to the file system. This way they can't be mistakenly started and can't even be detected if Valve server code should scan for them in the server installation.

When banprotection is disabled:

  • the FollowCSGOServerGuidelines option in core.cfg is set to "no" (to allow "bad" plugins to perform all actions)
  • lanonly mode is always enabled (+sv_lan 1)
  • no GSLT is supplied (+sv_setsteamaccount will NOT be set)
  • no API auth key is supplied (-authkey will NOT be set)

This is to ensure you don't accidentally start a public server with "bad" plugins running exposing your GSLT.