ckSurf hints - lenosisnickerboa/csgosl GitHub Wiki

csgosl takes care about most of the installation described here but you need to perform some easy stuff yourself as well.

  • Download the surf maps you want to host just as you would download any other map. This can be a good starting point for finding maps.
  • Start the server on a surf map as a sourcemod admin.
  • In the chat (NOT console) type: !insertmapzones

You should get a message about successful installation of zones.

And you're done! Use !help in the chat to get help about more ckSurf related stuff.


Since I don't use ckSurf myself I really don't know how it is supposed to work. I've tried out the basic steps described above, that's it. You try it out and tell me what I could add to make the csgosl support better.