Tables - laravella/laravella GitHub Wiki

Meta Data Tables


The actions that can be performed on a page. These actions relate to methods in the controller e.g. getSelect, getInsert, getEdit etc. They are accessed via the url structure


The javascript and css files that are included in a page. They are linked to a specific page via _db_page_assets


Made available to log database events. Not in use at the moment.


Determines how a field is displayed. [_db_fields] (Tables#_db_fields) link here via _db_fields.display_type_id. If the display type is widget then the _db_fields.widget_type_id is used to determine the display type of the field.


Every field's meta data is listed here.


The link between _db_keys and _db_fields. The link type is determined by key_type_id which links to [_db_key_types] (Tables#_db_key_types)


The types of keys e.g. primary, foreign, unique, filter


The keys, as in the links between tables. The actual link between two tables can consist of many fields. Those fields are listed in [_db_key_fields]


Trace log for displaying detailed messages to front end.


The link between [_db_menus] (Tables#_db_menus) and [usergroups] (Tables#usergroups)


The menu links. Can be used for any set of links but most notably the navigation bar at the top of the screen.


not in use


not in use


A hierarchy of option names. Used in conjunction with [_db_options] (Tables#_db_options)


Various options used throughout the application


Link between [_db_pages] (Tables#_db_pages) and [_db_assets] (Tables#_db_assets)


Not in use


Lists the additional tables that are made available to a [page] (Tables#_db_pages)


A page is the combination of a table and an action and this is reflected in the default slug e.g. _db_actions_getselect


Used in conjunction with _db_logs


A list of all tables in the database. Typically used in conjunction with _db_fields


Not in use.


Not in use.


Corresponds with a blade template. This table is linked to [_db_pages] (Tables#_db_pages) and is used to load the corresponding view with each page.



To group users and simplify permissions


User logins