OpenXION 1.4 Release Notes - kreativekorp/openxion GitHub Wiki

OpenXION 1.4 is out!

OpenXION 1.4 is the latest release version of OpenXION, the reference implementation of XION, the open scripting language based on HyperTalk. Version 1.4 introduces some new features and fixes major issues with lists, dictionaries, and chunk types.


Use the format function to produce formatted strings using placeholders rather than string concatenation. Use the ' function to make formatted strings easily localizable.

Map, Filter, and Reduce

Use the map, filter, and reduce functions to quickly manipulate lists. Given a list and a function name, map will apply the function to each element in the list, filter will return only elements where the function returns true, and reduce will collapse all the elements into a single value using the function to combine two elements.

Use OpenXION as a CGI Backend for Web Apps

Pass the -W option to the OpenXION interpreter, and the interpreter will import all CGI-related environment variables into the OpenXION environment. It will also automatically parse GET and POST query strings into dictionaries.

New Documentation Generator

XIONDoc 1.3 is a complete rewrite of XIONDoc that uses a real XML parser to read documentation files. The new XIONDoc now produces a page for each term individually, greatly reducing loading times. The new documentation includes new 'at a Glance' pages for data types and properties as well as keywords, commands, and functions.

Bug Fixes

  • Putting into a list chunk now puts the thing itself, rather than the thing as a list.
  • The :: operator now properly appends to a list, rather than concatenating lists.
  • Checking if there is a chunk (character, word, element, byte, etc.) now works as you'd expect.
  • No longer crashes when attempting to access a dictionary entry that doesn't exist.
  • No longer crashes when setting the mathProcessor property.
  • No longer crashes when passing infinity or NaN to a function expecting an integer.

Previous Release Notes