OpenXION 1.3 Release Notes - kreativekorp/openxion GitHub Wiki

OpenXION 1.3 is out!

OpenXION 1.3 is the latest release version of OpenXION, the reference implementation of XION, the open scripting language based on HyperTalk. Version 1.3 introduces several new features and fixes major issues with lists and containers.

Repeat Lastly

Use the lastly construction in repeat blocks to execute code when the loop terminates normally.

-- the following prints "done" because the loop terminates normally
repeat with x = 1 to 10
  put x
  put "done"
end repeat

-- the following does not print "done" because the loop terminates abnormally
repeat with x = 1 to 10
  put x
  if x is 5 then exit repeat
  put "done"
end repeat


Use dictionaries to map strings to values. Use braces to indicate dictionary literals. Use the entry chunk type to manipulate dictionaries.

local d as dictionary
put {
  "a" = "apple"
  "b" = "raise"
} into d
put entry "a" of d
put "kreative" into entry "c" of d
put d


Use references to pass containers around without using string literals or the value function.

ASCII-to-Binary and Binary-to-ASCII

Use the atob and btoa functions to encode and decode data in Base64, ASCII85, and other encodings.

Translate Characters

Use the trReplace and trReplaceAll functions to perform tr substitutions.

Previous Release Notes