BF - kreativekorp/openxion GitHub Wiki
Interpreter for a Turing-complete esoteric programming language, written in XION.
Note: This will only work properly in OpenXION 1.4 or later, where the existence test for chunk types has been fixed.
on bf program as string
local tape as binary is empty
local pointer as integer is zero
local pc as integer is one
local depth as integer
open file "/dev/stdin" as "binary"
open file "/dev/stdout" as "binary"
repeat while there is a char pc of program
put char pc of program into instruction
add 1 to pc
switch instruction
case ">"
add 1 to pointer
case "<"
subtract 1 from pointer
case "+"
add 1 to tinyInt pointer of tape
case "-"
subtract 1 from tinyInt pointer of tape
case "."
write byte pointer of tape to file "/dev/stdout"
case ","
read from file "/dev/stdin" for 1
put it into byte pointer of tape
case "["
if tinyInt pointer of tape is zero then
put zero into depth
repeat while there is a char pc of program
put char pc of program into tmp
add 1 to pc
if tmp is "[" then
add 1 to depth
else if tmp is "]" then
if depth is zero then
exit repeat
end if
subtract 1 from depth
end if
end repeat
end if
case "]"
if tinyInt pointer of tape is not zero then
put zero into depth
repeat while there is a char pc-1 of program
subtract 1 from pc
put char pc of program into tmp
if tmp is "]" then
add 1 to depth
else if tmp is "[" then
subtract 1 from depth
if depth is zero then
exit repeat
end if
end if
end repeat
end if
end switch
end repeat
close file "/dev/stdin"
close file "/dev/stdout"
end bf
-- Hello World
bf "++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>."