Installation - kreativekorp/openxion GitHub Wiki

Downloading OpenXION

The most recent release version of OpenXION can be downloaded from Downloads.

If you are on a Windows system, look for the link OpenXION x.x Distribution for Windows where x.x is the most recent version number.

If you are on a Mac OS X or other Unix- or Linux-based system, look for the link OpenXION x.x Distribution for Mac OS X, Linux, Unix, etc. where x.x is the most recent version number.

This file contains everything you need to use OpenXION. All you need to do is unzip it to a directory of your choice.

Launching OpenXION

You can use OpenXION without any formal installation procedure. Just cd to the directory where the archive was unzipped, then run the xion command.

On Windows:


On other systems:


You will get a > prompt. Enter any XION statement to execute it, or any XION expression to evaluate it. To exit OpenXION, at the > prompt enter:


For a list of command line options, run the xion command with the --help option.

On Windows:

xion --help

On other systems:

./xion --help

To execute an XION script file, run the xion command with the name of the script file.

On Windows:

xion hello.xn

On other systems:

./xion hello.xn

Installing OpenXION

If you would like to use OpenXION from anywhere on your system, as opposed to just the directory where you unzipped it, simply run the install command with administrator privileges.

On Windows:

runas /user:Administrator cmd

On other systems:

sudo ./install

On Windows systems, the jars and xion, xiondoc, and xe commands are installed in C:\Windows\System32. On other systems, the jars are installed in /usr/lib and the xion, xiondoc, and xe commands are installed in /usr/bin. You can then delete the unzipped directory.

Installing OpenXION from Source

If you would like to use the bleeding-edge version of OpenXION, you may download, run, and install OpenXION from the git repository. The instructions here assume Mac OS X or another Unix- or Linux-based system. If you are on Windows, you're on your own.

Use this command to anonymously check out the latest project source code:

git clone

To compile OpenXION, cd to the main/java/OpenXION directory, then run make:

cd openxion/main/java/OpenXION/

This will generate everything: the jar files, the various tgz files available on the Downloads page, the Javadocs, the XIONDocs, and the distributable zips.

To install OpenXION, run make install with administrator privileges:

sudo make install

The jars will be installed in /usr/lib and the xion, xiondoc, and xe commands will be installed in /usr/bin.