Utility Commands - kabiiQ/FBK GitHub Wiki

Temporary Voice Channels

🛑 This feature needs to be enabled per-channel 🛑

To enable temporary channel commands in the current channel, a channel moderator can simply execute the command /feature tempvc Enabled. To learn more about changing the bot's configurations check out Configuration Commands.

💡 Temporary voice channels will be created in the same category as the text channel in which the command is used. This should be considered when choosing a channel to enable the command in. Users creating a temporary channel receive permission to manage their own channel and move members out. The bot also requires permission to create/drag users into that specific category.

If enabled, this feature enables users to create temporary voice channels that exist until all users leave the channel. The channel is then deleted. This feature may seem familiar if coming from TeamSpeak.

Creating a temporary voice channel with /temp

The /temp command creates a temporary voice channel. You can optionally specify a name for the channel. You must be in a voice channel yourself to use this command, as you will be moved to the new channel.

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