Twitter Tracker - kabiiQ/FBK GitHub Wiki

📭 Twitter Tracker

The Twitter tracker is a feature that, when enabled, allows users to track any Twitter feed and share updates in the server.


Due to changes made by Twitter (X) which make it ever-increasingly difficult to access the website, a very limited number of Twitter feeds (mostly high-visibility VTuber and some manually requested feeds) are currently enabled for tracking.

At this time, it does not seem likely that general feed tracking will be practical to enable again any time soon. If you have feeds tracked from before, they are recorded and would automatically begin working again if this functionality is ever restored.

A list of feeds which are currently able to be tracked is generated at

The feeds listed above are able to be tracked by any servers using the bot in Discord channels by using /track. Other feeds are not trackable at this time.

User Commands

🔒 By default, channel moderators (Manage Messages permission) can track Twitter feeds. Tracking can be enabled for all users by running /feature restricted Disabled. You may want to disable the other tracker types (anime, streams) using the /feature command for this use-case.

The /track command can be used to track a Twitter feed.

Command Description
/track Track a Twitter feed in the current channel. Include the @ to make sure Twitter is used instead of another site. /track @irys_en
Alternatively, select Twitter as the site option in Discord.
Alternatively, specify it manually: /track twitter:irys_en

Only a very limited number of Twitter feeds are currently enabled for tracking, see the warning at the top of this page.

Twitter Feed Notification Configuration

Configuration for the Twitter tracker is accessible through the twitter command. This command works the same as other Configuration Commands. For example, /twitter setup will provide an interactive embed for configuration.

🔒 Modifying the Twitter tracker only affects the current channel and thus requires the Manage Channel permission.

🙈 If you want to display the contents of Tweets marked as NSFW/'potentially sensitive', you must mark the channel NSFW in its channel settings within Discord.

These settings are all of type toggle and allow you to adjust the content included in the notification message when a Twitter feed is updated.

Property Name Description Default Value
tweets If enabled, an update will be posted when tracked Twitter feeds post a normal Tweet. Enabled
quote If enabled, an update will be posted when tracked Twitter feeds quote tweet other users. Enabled
reply If enabled, an update will be posted when tracked Twitter feeds post a reply to a Tweet.
rt If enabled, an update will be posted when tracked Twitter feeds retweet other users. Disabled
mediaOnly if enabled, ONLY Tweets containing media will be posted. Text-only Tweets will be dropped completely. This applies to all Tweets automatically posted in the current channel, including re-tweets. Disabled
translate If enabled, a translation will be automatically requested for Tweets posted by the bot. This feature may be restricted in the future. Disabled
customurl If set, Tweets will be posted using this URL instead of Additionally, FBK will not generate a custom embed message for any Tweets, instead allowing the website you have set to make the embed. For example, you may set this field to or if you want to use their embeds instead. Note that you will be responsible for keeping up with the status of the site you choose, and it will not fall back onto FBK's embeds if that site does not embed properly. Additionally, features such as Tweet translations will not be available as you are overriding the embed where FBK would post these.

🔔 Pinging a Role for Tweet activity with /setmention

To have a role mentioned when an account sends a new Tweet, you can use /setmention.

Example: setmention username:@ninomaeinanis role:@Tweet Alerts

Changing which Tweets will ping with /twitterping config

By default, if a role ping is configured, any Tweets (including quote and replies, but NOT retweets), will ping the assigned role. This can be changed using /twitterping config.

(Advanced) If you have the same feed tracked in two channels (and a role is configured to be pinged) in the same server and want to simply disable all pings in one of the channels, you can use /twitterping pings Disabled.

The role must already exist. This allows you to use an existing role in your server or create a new one for this purpose before running this command.

The currently configured role/text can be checked using the /getmention command.

Twitter Spaces

This feature is no longer available for any users after changes made by Twitter.

Quick Setup

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