Starboard - kabiiQ/FBK GitHub Wiki

Starboard ⭐

A starboard is a channel in your Discord server where messages that receive enough "star" (⭐) emoji reactions will be placed.

A starboard is usually used to highlight memorable moments or valuable content, in a way similar to pinned messages. A starboard is also useful in allowing users in the server to "star" messages without any moderator interaction, and without worrying about the 50 pinned messages limit in Discord.

Once a message is on the starboard, users can add stars to the post from either the original message or from the starboard post itself.

By default, messages will be placed on this starboard when they reach 3 star (⭐) reactions. The required stars can be changed using the configuration described below.

By default, messages will be removed from the starboard if the original message is deleted or its reactions are removed.

Starboard Demo

Obviously, you will typically not want to star messages in the starboard channel like this, this is purely for a demonstration.

Creating a Starboard

You can set up a starboard for your server by setting the channel using /starboard channel <CHANNEL>

Removing a Starboard

You can disable the starboard in your server by resetting the configured channel with /starboard channel.

/starboard channel reset:true

Excluding channels from the starboard

If you need to exclude messages in specific channels in your server from being placed on the starboard (for example a moderator channel), this can be done through the /feature command.

You are unlikely to need to change this setting, as sensitive content should not be receiving the required number of stars regardless, but is provided for a unique use case.

To disable messages in a channel from being eligible for starboarding, use /feature allowstarboarding Disabled.

Manually adding a message to the starboard (/starboard message)

❓ You will need to use Discord message IDs for this command. See the Discord help article on retrieving IDs.

In some cases, especially if you have the minimum stars set to a higher value, you may want to add a message to the starboard immediately regardless of its star count.

This can be done by server moderators (Manage Messages permission), using the /starboard message <MESSAGE ID> command in the same channel as the target message.

Starboard configuration (/starboard)

🌟 By default, messages will be placed on this starboard when they reach 3 star (⭐) reactions. The required stars can be changed quickly by using /starboard stars <minimum star count> for example, /starboard stars 10 will place messages on the starboard when they reach 10 star reactions.

The emote can be changed from the star by changing the emoji field. For example, /starboard emoji 🔥 would make this board more of a "fireboard".

Configuration for the starboard is accessible through the /starboard command. This command works the same as other Configuration Commands. For example, /starboard setup will present an interative embed for configuration.

🔓 Modifying the starboard configuration affects the server, and requires the Manage Channels permission.

Setting Description Type Default Value
channel The Discord channel ID of the starboard channel. channel ID not set
stars The minimum star reactions a post must receive to be placed on the starboard. number (1+) 3
removeOnClear If enabled, a message will be removed from the starboard if its star reactions are cleared by a moderator. toggle Enabled
removeOnDelete If enabled, a message will be removed from the starboard if the original message is deleted (by the user or by a moderator). toggle Enabled
mention If enabled, users will be mentioned in the starboard channel message (@username) if their message is placed on the starboard. toggle Disabled
nsfw If enabled, messages from channels marked as NSFW can be included on the starboard. toggle Disabled
emoji The emoji that is used to vote for starboard posts. This can be changed from the default ⭐ to any standard emoji.
Custom emotes can also be used, but it should be one from the same server. FBK must be in the server the emote is from to be able to send it.
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