Multi Language Usage - js-lib-com/wood GitHub Wiki

Usage example for project with multiple languages.

Language Declaration

Language - or multiple languages - should be declared on project descriptor. Language value format is usually ISO two-letter code but language with country code is supported. For example both en and ro-RO are valid language values. See language format.

For multiple languages declaration order maters: first language is considered the default one. All files without language variants are considered as default language.

WOOD tools will generate a complete sub-site for every language defined in project descriptor. Sub-site names are exactly as declared, en and ro-RO. The same goes for lang attribute from HTML element.

  • project.xml
	<!-- project language declaration -->
	<language>en, ro-RO</language>

Language Variants

Lets consider a page with a reference to a string variable - @string/title.

  • page/index/index.htm
	<!-- string variable reference -->

On project assets we have string definition files. File without variants is considered default language, in our case en. This is because on project descriptor first declared language is indeed en.

  • asset/string.xml
	<!-- string variable definition for English language -->
	<title>Page Title</title>

Here is string definition file for Romanian language. If this language would not be declared on project descriptor, this string definition file would be ignored.

  • asset/string_ro-RO.xml
	<!-- string variable definition for Romanian language -->
	<title>Titlu pagină</title>

Site Layout

WOOD tools produces two sub-sites, one for every language declared on project descriptor, see language declaration. In our case we have site/en and site/ro-RO sub-sites.

If a language is declared in project descriptor but there are no files with that language variant, WOOD tools uses the default language. So sub-site is generated even if language variant is not actually used on any file.

On first sub-site, sub-site name and lang attribute from HTML element are both en, exactly as declared on project descriptor.

  • site/en/index.htm
<HTML lang="en">
		<H1>Page Title</H1>

Second sub-site name and lang attribute are both ro-RO, as declared on project descriptor. Note also the page heading is loaded from string definition file asset/string_ro-RO.xml.

  • site/ro-RO/index.htm
<HTML lang="ro-RO">
		<H1>Titlu pagină</H1>

Last updated 9/8/2022.

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