Sweep - josalggui/MaRGE GitHub Wiki


This is a specialized tool that enables users to sweep up to two parameters within a sequence.

  • Sequence: A string representing the name of the sequence where the parameters will be swept.
  • Parameter 0 X-axis: The key for the first parameter to be swept.
  • Start point 0: The initial value of the first parameter.
  • End point 0: The final value of the first parameter.
  • Log scale: Set to 1 (or 0) to (not) apply a logarithmic scale to first parameter.
  • Number of steps 0: The number of steps to use for sweeping first parameter.
  • Parameter 1 Y-axis: The key for the second parameter to be swept.
  • Start point 1: The initial value of the second parameter.
  • End point 1: The final value of the second parameter.
  • Number of steps 1: The number of steps to use for sweeping second parameter.

Non-imaging sequences saves a number in the mapVals dictionary with name sampledPoint. This value is shown in a map according to the swept parameters. On the other side, sequence dedicated to imaging save sampledCartesian in the mapVals dictionary. Sequences that do not conatain sampledPoint or sequenceCartesian parameter into the mapVals dictionary do not work with SWEEP.

Note: Parameter keys can be retrieved from the sequence's source code via the addParameter method in the sequence constructor.

Note: To do a sweep of just one parameter, the user can select any other parameter as second parameter, then sset the number of steps for second parameter to 1.

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