Home - johnfraserss/ICS3U GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the ICS3U Course Page!

The information below is for guidance only. Please see your teacher for more information.

Course information


This section will contain links to all of the course assignments (grouped by Overarching Learning Goal (OLG)).

Pre-Course Work

📙 Computers and Algorithms

📘 Programming Concepts

📗 Digital Scholar

JavaScript Notes

Enrichment Notes


JavaScript Language and Resources

Licensing and Notices

Creative Commons License
All of the written work contained herein falls under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, unless otherwise explicitly noted (there are a few pages that contain works that do not fall under this license. They will be noted at the bottom of their respective pages).

All code found within the site falls under the MIT License

All other content, including images, are copyright their respective owners.

This course is not always being taught by Mr. Seidel. All information here was uploaded at the direction of (or by) the teacher(s) that are teaching this course. Mr. Seidel will not be held liable for any of the course work, suggestions, ideas, or requirements on this wiki. If you have issue with any of the content or the previously mentioned items, please contact the appropriate teacher that is teaching the course. If you are someone online who has issue with something herein, please create an issue in this repository, and I will pass along the information as needed to the appropriate teacher.

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