x drone: MaxiSwift, mission 35 comparison of FPL path of Real flight Vs HIL simulation - jlnaudin/x-drone GitHub Wiki

MaxiSwift flying wing piloted with the ArduPlane v2.73-xp1 - Mission 35 Log datas alt text alt text alt text

  • The live recorded flight plan used for the REAL flight and also for the HIL simulation alt text

The flight path recorded during the REAL FLIGHT mission 35 alt text

The same weather conditions have been replicated in HIL mode with the same FPL, here the recorded flight path with X-Plane during the HIL SIMULATION mission 35 alt text

#OSD view and data detail alt text

alt text

alt text

#PID parameters Full PID and parameters files:

#Mission #35 Photos album alt text alt text alt text alt text

#The VIDEO of the MaxiSwift Mission 35 alt text

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