x drone: FX 61 Phantom flying wing tested with ArduPlane v2.73 xp1 and ThermoPilot v7.1 - jlnaudin/x-drone GitHub Wiki

FX-61 Phantom flying wing has been successfully tested with the ArduPlane v2.73-xp1 and ThermoPilot v7.1

  • Take Off weight = 1360 g with a GoPro 2 camera
  • Flight time = 20 minutes with a 3S 4000 mAh Lipo
  • Average speed of flight = 14 m/s (50 km/h)

alt text alt text alt text The Voltage/Current sensor used alt text alt text The detail of Pitot tube alt text alt text alt text alt text The elevon command alt text Inside the FX-61 Phantom alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text The FX-61 COG tested in flight alt text

The PIDs parameters tested in flight alt text

  • The full PID parameters files can be found at:


To download the parameters file, mouse right-clic on RAW button

The FX-61 Phantom in flight alt text The FX-61 Phantom is launched by hand unpowered, then the motor is started alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text

The VIDEO of FX61 Phantom flying wing autonomous flight: alt text

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