x drone: FX 61 Phantom flying wing in autonomous thermalling with the ThermoPilot v7.2 - jlnaudin/x-drone GitHub Wiki

Full autonomous thermalling with the FX-61 Phantom flying wing piloted by the ThermoPilot v7.2


  • APM v2.6
  • Ublox Neo6-M GPS + HMC5883L magnetometer,
  • Airspeed sensor, MPXV7002DP,
  • Voltage/current 90A sensor,
  • xponder telemetry with mavlink protocol,
  • GoPro 3 "black edition" camera,
  • Lipo 3S 4000 mAh, Firmware:
  • ThermoPilot v7.2 (JLN' special improvement of the arduplane v2.73-xp1) Ground station:
  • Mission Planer v1.2.95

alt text alt text alt text alt text The Ground Station alt text alt text The RECORDED FLIGHT PATH with the Flight Plan alt text

GoPro 3 photos taken in flight alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text

The FX-61 Phantom in search of Thermal upwards alt text alt text alt text

The VIDEO of FX61 Phantom flying wing in autonomous thermalling: alt text

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