X PLANE TUTORIAL: MaxiSwift installation with X Plane v9.70 for HIL simulations - jlnaudin/x-drone GitHub Wiki

  1. Download the firmware Arduplane v2.73-xp1: https://github.com/jlnaudin/x-drone/tree/master/Arduplane_273xp1

  2. Connect the APM or ArduFlyer board to the USB com port: alt text

  3. Set the config file of the arduplane v2.73-xp1 as below and then compile it, don't forget to select the correct board (ArduPilot/HAL Board/ArduPilot Mega 2.x) and the comm port: alt text

  4. With the Mission Planner launch X-Plane v9.70

DON'T USE X-Plane V.10, The X-Plane v9.70 can be downloaded at:http://www.x-plane.com/downloads/older/ alt text

Set the Roll, Pitch, Yaw, Throttle gains as below: alt text

  1. If have don't already installed the MaxiSwift for X-Plane,

download the model at:https://github.com/jlnaudin/x-drone/blob/master/x-plane%20aircrafts/MaxiSwift.zip

Right-Click with the mouse on RAW so as to download and save the zip file on your desktop: alt text

  • then, unzip the MaxiSwift.zip on your desktop
  • Copy the entire folder 'MaxiSwift' into the x-Plane folder/Aircraft/Radio Control/

*Then, load the MaxiSwift RC model: alt text

Below, the network setup for X-Plane: alt text alt text alt text alt text

The MaxiSwift for Xplane uses the same PID parameters than the real flying version: alt text

The PID used with the real MaxiSwift and fully tested in flight alt text

The full PID parameters file used for this HIL simulation can be downloaded at:


(don't forget to do a recalibration of your transmitter after loading theses parameters in the APM)

Here a suggested startup position for the test flight alt text

Now X-Plane can be used in HIL mode with your APM board through the mission planner: alt text alt text alt text

More screenshots at:


The DEMO VIDEO of the MAxiSwift for xPlane in HIL simulation: http://player.vimeo.com/video/81698292

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