Release Note - jeeeyul/eclipse-themes GitHub Wiki


Rendering engine is isolated!

Now All the css capabilities that are provided with my theme can work standalone. It means, you can stylize your e4 based app super easy.



  • Now Empty Part Stack styles are applied without any delay.
  • Now You can stylize Forms. (Heading, Section, Hyperlinks)

And Several minor bugs are gone.


Theme Store was introduced!

Theme store can be accessed by drop down menu.

Theme Store Menu

You can easily browse shared themes visually, and instantly apply it to your eclipse. You can also share your preset, favorite, leave some comment in real time.

Theme Store

Drag Feedback

#179 Now you can customize drag feedback color.

Drag Feedbac

Close Button Alignment

#148 Now you can set close button position as text baseline.


Busy Part

#178 Now the title of busy parts will be shown as italic.

Busy Part

Named Colors

There are several named colors that refers Eclipse Text Editor Preference:

  • jtexteditor-background
  • jtexteditor-foreground
  • jtexteditor-selection-background
  • jtexteditor-selection-foreground

Can be used as:

Section StyleText {
   background: jtexteditor-background;

Other Enhancements

  • You don't have to open new window or re-start eclipse to apply full effect anymore.
  • #177 Linux user should not have to see broken(half clipped) toolbar anymore.
  • Now you can customize color of the status bar and perspective switcher.

See Old Release Note also.