Old Release Note - jeeeyul/eclipse-themes GitHub Wiki


  • See All Fixed Issues.
  • When there is not enough space to show all tab items, each tab item will be truncated to show more items as many as possible, looks like:

Truncate Tab Items

  • There are new settings for it:

Truncate Tab Items

  • Now Mnemonics in tab items are rendered properly.
  • Now importing user preset feature(.EPF) allows importing multiple files at once.
  • Built-in presets are categorized.
  • Mario's presets are added.
  • Drag handle is rendered more properly when it is placed on toolbar that has complex gradient background.
  • When customized ruler color setted for text editors, range indicator is looks much better now:

Ugly Range

Pretty Range

  • Now easily can re-write hue of all colors, It's very convenience when you create new preset which based on other one.

Re-write hue

  • GDI Leaks are eleminated.


  • See All Fixed Issues.
  • #158 New theme chooser icon(new icon) on toolbar.
  • #159 Now Edit Box plugin is supported. While Edit Box is activated, Underline feature of Jeeeyul's Eclipse Theme will be automatically turned off temporarily.


  • #157 Now user can save current settings to existing user preset also not rather than creating new one.


  • Color Well and Gradient Editor are visually improved.



  • See All Fixed Issues.
  • You can choose other themes from toolbar.
  • Active preset or active theme is now marked as checked in toolbar menu.

active preset

  • The preset Retro was added. It's a balanced preset between classic eclipse (3.x) and new one.


  • There are 3 more batch tasks in Gradient Editor.

gradient batch task

  • Automatic Linux/GTK2 Runtime Configuration Download wizard for Linux users.




  • See All Fixed Issues.
  • Linux user can see a link to Linux User Guide in Part Stacks > Layout settings page.
  • Enelegant broken image border of trim stack on Linux was removed.
  • High CPU Consument(#136) on OSX was removed.
  • Now you can customize background color of Part Stack.

Part Background


  • See All Fixed Issues
  • Ruler color of Text editor can be customized with previewing now. It displays a link to Eclipse Color Theme preference page link if installation detected.

config ruler

  • A new preset Cloud Space was added.

Cloud Space

  • Now customized OS themes will be detected by Jeeeyul's Themes. It means, part stack header in Linux GTK can be smaller. Read details in Linux User Guide.

GTK Compact


fix 127

  • Now you can import/export user preset.


  • Preset icon gets smaller.


  • Now you can easily rewrite hue values of gradient. You can use this feature through context menu of Gradient Editor.

rewrite hue


  • Hiding Tab Border doesn't hide hover and unselected tab item's border anymore.
  • Empty Editor Area styles are applied properly now.
  • Turning off underlines for text editors will not use unnecessary resources anymore.
  • 3rd party preset provider can provide icons for preset.
  • Now preset chooser shows tiny preview as an icon for presets that doesn't have icon.

Preset Chooser

  • Sash Configuration(#125) is added.

Sash Configuration

  • Contact Menu in Toolbar was added.


  • Now Windows user can see beautiful anti-aliased corners without border!



  • Show CSS and Show EPF menu items are added.

Show CSS


  • Eclipse Luna M6 is supported!
  • What if you are using linux, You will love this update. Search Field is not ugly anymore, border lines are rendered more beautiful in GTK now.
  • 121 is fixed.
  • Lime, Ocean, Hello Kitty, Adwaita are back.



  • There were huge GDI leaks in 2.0.0. I'm sorry.


I am very happy to announce wholly new version of Jeeeyul's Eclipse Themes. 2.0 is fully re-written to provide better experience.

  • Now you can customize complex gradient colors easily.
  • Chevron color can be customized.
  • Close button line width and color can be customized.
  • You can customize tab items for "Selected", "Unselected" and "Hovered" states.
  • Various Layout Settings can be customized.
  • Editor Stack(Part Stack that contains multiple editor stacks) and Empty Stack can be customized.
  • Now you can access presets and settings through theme button on toolbar quickly.
  • Jeeeyul's Eclipse Themes now provides extensions point and CSS properties to third parties. So stylizing your RCP Product or creating themes that are based on Jeeeyul's Eclipse Themes is easy now.

And new CTabFolderRenderer is not sub class of CTabRendering anymore.

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