Pupil Hardware Development - jackspaceBerkeley/pupil GitHub Wiki
This page contains documentation and discussion on open source camera mounts, optics, and cameras.
## Camera Mounts We release the CAD files for the camera mounts for you to download, modify, in accordance with our license. CAD files for the frame are not open source; [see explanation](License#hardware).### Interface Documentation By releasing the mounts as example geometry we automatically document the interface. You can use the CAD files to take measurements and make your own mounts. Note, that the tolerances may need to be changes for your material or fabrication process. ### Compatability The mounts are developed as part of the whole headset and carry the revision number of the headset they where designed for. ### Download Camera Mount CAD Files All files are hosted in a separate git repository
Or direct git clone
the latest revision
git clone http://code.google.com/p/pupil.hardware/
If you want an older version, just checkout an older version. In this example we checkout rev006
rev006 with the git version id of 6ad49c6066d5
git clone http://code.google.com/p/pupil.hardware/
git checkout 6ad49c6066d5
Revision commits and their git ids are listed