User Guide - jackspaceBerkeley/pupil GitHub Wiki

This guide will cover all aspects of getting up and running with Pupil. Before we dive in, let's double check your setup.

Yes to both of the above? Continue to the Table of Contents!

Table of Contents

  1. Basic Workflow - Quick-start for a typical workflow with Pupil
  2. Setup
  3. Calibrate
  4. Record
  5. Visualize
  6. Environment
  7. Lighting
  8. Pupil Capture - Detailed discussion of Pupil Capture software
  9. Intro
  10. All Calibration Methods
  11. Recording
  12. Streaming Data
  13. Marker Tracking
  14. Pupil Player - Detailed discussion of Pupil Player
  15. Starting Pupil Player
  16. Plugin Overview
  17. Visualization Plugins and Utilities
  18. Offline Marker Detector
  19. Exporting Video with Visualizations
  20. Data Format