Security‐101 Landing Page - itnett/FTD02H-N GitHub Wiki

Security-101 Landing Page

Velkommen til Security-101! Denne landingssiden inneholder lenker til alle ressursene i Security-101 repository og tilleggsmateriale for hvert kapittel.

Kapittel 1: Grunnleggende konsepter

1.1 The CIA Triad and Other Key Concepts

1.2 Common Cybersecurity Threats

1.3 Understanding Risk Management

1.4 Security Practices and Documentation

1.5 Zero Trust

1.6 Shared Responsibility Model

1.7 End of Module Quiz

Kapittel 2: Identity and Access Management (IAM)

2.1 IAM Key Concepts

2.2 IAM Zero Trust Architecture

2.3 IAM Capabilities

2.4 End of Module Quiz

Kapittel 3: Nettverkssikkerhet

3.1 Networking Key Concepts

3.2 Networking Zero Trust Architecture

3.3 Network Security Capabilities

3.4 End of Module Quiz

Kapittel 4: Security Operations (SecOps)

4.1 SecOps Key Concepts

4.2 SecOps Zero Trust Architecture

4.3 SecOps Capabilities

4.4 End of Module Quiz

Kapittel 5: Applikasjonssikkerhet

5.1 AppSec Key Concepts

5.2 AppSec Key Capabilities

5.3 End of Module Quiz

Kapittel 6: Infrastruktur Sikkerhet

6.1 Infrastructure Security Key Concepts

6.2 Infrastructure Security Capabilities

6.3 End of Module Quiz

Kapittel 7: Datasikkerhet

7.1 Data Security Key Concepts

7.2 Data Security Capabilities

7.3 End of Module Quiz

Kapittel 8: AI og sikkerhet

8.1 AI Security Key Concepts

8.2 AI Security Capabilities

8.3 Responsible AI

8.4 End of Module Quiz

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